Chapter 455: Accidents

Luo Xichen understood the importance of Sha Zhixing's decision not to go to France at this time.

The two of them stood in the garden for a while. Sha Zhixing picked a large bouquet of flowers and walked towards the living room.

Luo Xichen followed behind her slowly. He took the flowers from her hand and held them for her. Then, he followed her into the house.

An Xin took the bouquet from Sha Zhixing and pushed her upstairs. "Alright, leave everything here to mom. GO UPSTAIRS AND GET READY! "

Sha Zhixing nodded and looked at Luo Xichen. She then turned and went upstairs to her room.

Luo Xichen accompanied her back to her room and pulled the curtains open for her. He did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood beside her and watched as she busied herself.

The engagement dress had been chosen by the two of them a few days ago. It was made of water-green satin fabric. The refreshing green color complemented her ethereal aura. The unique cut was also very beautiful Luo Xichen had seen the effect of the dress on the back. It was stunning.

Sha Zhixing took out the dress and did not put it on immediately. Instead, she put it on the bed next to her.

She sat in front of the dressing table and wanted to try on her makeup. She looked at Luo Xichen through the mirror and stopped.

Was He still worried that she would leave or simply wanted to stay with her?

"Aren't you busy this morning? " She turned her head and asked with a faint smile.

"What does it matter? " Luo Xichen did not answer her directly. His tone was indifferent.

Sha Zhixing frowned slightly.

Although he did not say anything, how could she not have guessed what was going on today?

The engagement between the two of them should be the first big wedding event in the Luo family in so many years, right Apart from the relatives of both parties, there should be a lot of friends present. As the male lead today, how could he not be busy?

"You go out first, I'LL DO IT MYSELF! " Sha Zhixing stood up and pushed him out.

"actually, I want to see the effect after you put it on. " Luo Xichen pointed to the gown on her bed and added leisurely, "if you need help changing, you can call me anytime. "

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched.

He just wants to stay and eat some Tofu, right?

"Get out! Go and do your own thing! " Sha Zhixing glared at him and pushed him out of the door. The door closed with a bang.

Luo xichen stood outside the door with a twisted expression on his face.

He was... ... despised ? ?

His lips twitched. He looked at the time on his watch and smiled. He turned and went downstairs.

He was really busy today. It took him a lot of time to gather a group of friends.

Sha Zhixing stayed in the room. After changing into her dress, she tried on a few make-up looks for herself. In the end, she confirmed that she was wearing nude make-up. She also did her hair very casually. It only took her less than an hour.

The necklace around her neck was paired with Asteria. She actually had a lot of jewelry. Although she did not like these, an Xin would usually buy a lot for her, and Luo Xichen would also give some to her.

However, among all the jewelry, Asteria was her favorite. Luo Xichen gave it to her on the first day he returned to China. It was unique and felt like it was tailor-made for her.

After that, Luo Xichen made an appointment with her to pick her up at eleven o'clock.

The clock was ticking, but when the clock pointed to eleven o'clock, she was not there yet... ...