Chapter 456 getting on the wrong bus

Luo Xichen had always been punctual. Sha Zhixing was a little surprised that the time was not up yet.

She took out her phone and dialed his number. The reply she received was that he was not in the service area.

Sha Zhixing looked at the time on her phone screen and frowned slightly.

It was already past 11 o'clock. Not only was he not here, she could not even get through to him. What was he busy with?

For some reason, Sha Zhixing suddenly felt uneasy.

She took out her phone and dialed Luo Xichen's number again. The reply she received was still an automatic voice notification that the other party was not in the service area.

Sha Zhixing frowned even more after that.

Luo Xichen should have called her in advance if he had something urgent to tell her!

Sha Zhixing felt even more uneasy when she thought of this. She wanted to call the other members of the Luo family, but a call came in first.

It was Luo Xichen's!

Sha Zhixing picked up her phone in a panic when she saw the name on it. "Xichen, where are you? "

"The car is stuck in the tunnel. The signal is not good here and it may be very late. I'LL GET MY FRIEND TO PICK YOU UP FIRST! " Luo Xichen sat in the car and looked at the long queue of cars in front of him in annoyance. He tapped the steering wheel with his hand.

Sha Zhixing heaved a sigh of relief.

So it was just a traffic jam... ...

There was a long tunnel leading from the city to the seaside. Sha Zhixing knew that. Luo Xichen must have taken that road.

"drive well, be careful... " she was about to warn Luo Xichen, but before she could finish her sentence, the line on the other end of the phone was cut off.

The signal seemed to have been cut off again... ...

However, the call had been connected, and Sha Zhixing's uneasiness had subsided a lot.

She had been worried that something had happened on his side!

A few minutes later, a commotion broke out downstairs. It seemed that someone had arrived.

Sha Zhixing left the bedroom and changed to a room with a view of the main door. She stood on the balcony and her gaze fell on the door of the Sha family home.

The people who had come were not Luo Xichen, but two unfamiliar men.

An Xin went out to welcome them. When they were at the door, they had said something to her. An Xin's gaze then turned towards Sha Zhixing's direction upstairs.

She took out her cell phone and dialed a number for her. "Xichen has sent someone to pick you up. COME DOWN QUICKLY! "

Sha Zhixing had just spoken to Luo Xichen on the phone. Luo Xichen had said the same thing on the phone. Without further ADO, Sha Zhixing turned and headed downstairs.

Two men stood on both sides of the car. One of them opened the car door for Sha Zhixing.

"Who are you guys to Xichen? " Sha Zhixing asked as she bent down and turned her head to the side before getting into the car.

The man she was looking at looked cold and expressionless. He looked at her and said flatly, "friends. "

Sha Zhixing knew that Luo Xichen was hiding something from her. She thought that these people were related to his secrets and did not ask any further questions. She bent down and got into the car.

As soon as she sat down, the car door slammed shut.

There were still relatives at home. An Xin and Sha Nanfeng were not in a hurry to go over so early. They decided to leave with everyone when lunch time was almost up. They did not get into the car with Sha Zhixing.

The black limousine slowly started after that. After leaving the Sha family, it went straight to a certain direction in the city.

Sha Zhixing sat in the limousine and her gaze fell on the scenery outside the window. At first, she did not pay much attention to it, but the more she looked, the more the scenery became more and more wrong.

This was not the way to the engagement venue!