Chapter 471: The frustrated baby plan

Seaweed ignored his ugly face and smiled sweetly.

Luo Xichen glanced at her coldly. He suddenly regretted his conversation with Sha Zhixing.

Judging from Seaweed's vivacity, the good things that happened in the Hai family were probably interrupted every day?

And there were two of them at the same time. If Hai Luo and seaweed were together, would the two of them still be alone?

Realizing this, Luo xichen calmly felt that it was better to put off the plan to have a child.

"Hai Cao, what's the matter? " Sha Zhixing bent down and asked with a smile.

Hai Cao held her hand and led her to a certain direction of the banquet venue. As they walked, she said excitedly, "sister, I'll take you to see the engagement gift that Hai Luo and I have prepared for you! "

"Gift? " Sha Zhixing was slightly stunned after hearing her words, and her red lips slowly curled up.

I didn't expect these two kids to be so thoughtful!

Luo Xichen listened with a sour expression on his face.

A gift?

How big of a deal was this Could it be compared to the "serious business" he had just had in the room?

Hai Luo ignored him, and held Sha Zhixing's hand as they walked to the corner of the banquet hall.

She had come very early, and the gift had been left in the car. She had only taken it out after lunch.

Sha Zhixing followed behind her and came to a table with her. Hai Luo took out a framed drawing from behind her. Hai Luo stood at the other end of the drawing, and the two children brought the drawing to her, one on the left and one on the right.

This was a Manga. It was a drawing of two cute little people. The children's strokes were very simple, but the drawing was very cute. One of them had loose hair, big eyes, and curved lips. His expression was very similar to Sha Zhixing's.

The other one had a cool look on his face, and his expression was very similar to Luo xichen's.

Next to him, the two of them used a cute font to mark a word, "Chen Xingchen" .

Sha Zhixing was amused when she saw the two cute characters, especially Luo Xichen in the drawing. He had a special charm to him. He had a cool and cold look, and looked very much like himself.

Luo Xichen walked over and stared at the Manga for a while. "Why did you draw me so ugly? " He asked

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him, took the Manga and held it in her arms. She rubbed seaweed and Hai Luo's heads and said, "be good. Sister will accept this gift. I like it very much! "

She held the Manga in her hands and walked happily towards Luo Xichen's car.

She opened the car door and put the Manga away carefully before returning to the party.

There were many activities throughout the day and the venue was also here. It lasted from noon to the end of the party.

In the afternoon, she chatted with a group of friends for a while. When it was time for the Party in the evening, Sha Zhixing was dragged by Luo Xichen to the lounge to change into a gown again.

The banquet was conducted in a Western style throughout the day. After that, Luo Xichen asked someone to send a few sets of gowns to her. She had prepared all kinds of gowns for various occasions. The gowns for the party tonight were mainly for the convenience of the activities.

There was an opening dance for the party. As the main character of all the events today, this dance was naturally given to Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen.

Sha Zhixing did not like the gentle waltz. She liked the free and easy Tango. Luo Xichen knew that about her, so the opening dance was also arranged for Tangoo... ...