Chapter 472: You are the only one in my eyes

At the beginning of the party, the melody of the Classic Tango, Por-Una-Cabeza, began to play.

Luo Xichen glanced at Sha Zhixing, who was beside him. He held her hand in his palm and led her to the center of the lawn.

The elegant melody of the Violin began the beginning of the tango.

Sha Zhixing was like a dancing butterfly under the guidance of Luo Xichen's hands. She spun, stopped, and danced in a crisscrossed pattern. The two of them performed a bold and unrestrained tango.

The guests around them were clapping. At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the two of them.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen were very compatible in all aspects. Not many people who knew them would deny this.

Moreover, the two of them had a very high degree of tacit understanding. It was as if they were born for each other. This was the biggest difference between childhood sweethearts and other Love Affairs.

At the scene, the melody of Por-Una-Cabeza, one step away, continued.

I don't think so, I don't think so, I don't think so, I don't think so, I don't think so, I don't think so.

This kind of music, just listening to it, is very immersive, not to mention the two people who are in the middle of it.

Tonight's Sha Zhixing dance is very into, dance figure is like a slowly blooming flower, beautiful to the extreme, beautiful to dazzle.

Luo Xichen's eyes had been following her.

She had left a deep impression on him today, not only because of her excessive beauty, but also because of the significance of today's occasion.

Today, all of her beauty was presented to him.

Her every move, every frown, and every smile were deeply embedded in Luo Xichen's mind.

This moment would be remembered eternally, and time would not grow old.

Every time he thought of her at this time, Luo Xichen's memory would still be fresh until a few years later.

The Long Tango Music came to an end a few minutes later, and the music from the back of the audience changed to a soothing waltz.

Sha Zhixing wiped the sweat off her forehead and wanted to leave, but Luo Xichen suddenly put his arm around her waist and stopped her.

"What's wrong? " She looked up at him, her eyes shining brightly under the light.

"Don't go. " Luo Xichen did not explain further. He put one arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms, ignoring the many pairs of eyes staring at them.

Luo Xichen hugged her tightly, and his gaze fell on her face with a hint of warmth. His eyes were as dark as the stars, like a bottomless sea, causing people to fall together.

The two of them did not speak. They hugged each other quietly. It was noisy around them, but their hearts were unusually quiet.

Sha Zhixing rarely hugged Luo Xichen in silence. The two of them had always been at each other's throats. They had never been so quiet before.

Luo Xichen was a little unfamiliar to her at this time, but she was a little intoxicated by him.

The soothing waltz music continued in her ears. The song went on and on endlessly, as if it would never end.

The other guests also hugged each other and danced together after the opening dance.

Luo Xichen did not look around at all. His dark eyes were locked on Sha Zhixing.

At this moment, she was the only one in his eyes... ...