Chapter 468: Young Master Shao's unusual combination

This was the first time Sha Zhixing had seen what a real rich party was.

She had woken up very early this morning and had not eaten much for breakfast. She had been tormented for a while after getting on the wrong bus at eleven o'clock, and now she was so tired that her legs were trembling from receiving guests Her stomach had been drumming for a long time.

She suddenly saw so much delicious food and took out two plates. She took out two full plates.

Luo Xichen was a little relieved to see that she was holding two plates. He thought that one of the plates was his, but he was interrupted by Sha Zhixing after half a minute. "Do it yourself. "

He took the two plates and walked towards the table without looking back.

Obviously, the two plates were prepared for him.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched as he followed behind her.

Sha Zhixing came to a table with two plates in her hands. She was about to sit down when Luo Xichen took the two plates from her. He looked in the direction of the greenhouse and walked in front of her.

Sha Zhixing did not want to go. She was afraid that Luo xichen would make use of this time to be unruly.

However, at this time, her feet were hurting and her whole body was aching. She Thought of the Sofa in the greenhouse and quickly put her worries aside. She followed Luo Xichen and the two of them entered the greenhouse.

When they arrived, Mu Siyan and Gu Yiran were no longer there. They might have gone out to eat.

Only Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen were left in the huge greenhouse.

Luo xichen tiptoed and closed the door. He locked the door and carried the food to the Rattan Chair.

There was a small table in front of the Rattan Chair. He had thought of this when he designed it. The chair was very big and could fit two people.

Sha Zhixing did not care about her image when she entered the room. She kicked her high heels and put on a pair of comfortable slippers.

Luo Xichen had prepared the slippers for her as well. He had made all the arrangements for her today. He had even prepared medicine for her wound.

Sha Zhixing looked at him in a New Light.

She sat down on the Rattan Chair and tried to get a band-aid to treat the wound on her foot. Luo Xichen pushed her hand away, took the medicine box and squatted down beside her.

He lifted her small and delicate feet and took a look at them. Then, he said something that almost made Sha Zhixing choke. "wear slippers for the rest of the day! "

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Only the second young Master Shao could think of such an unusual combination of a gown and slippers for the engagement party.

Luo Xichen did not feel that what he said was weird at all. He took a cotton swab and helped her clean her wound. Then, he put a band-aid on her wound. He sat down next to her after everything was taken care of.

"Are you tired? " He asked gently as he looked at her slightly tired face.

"I'm fine. " Sha Zhixing shrank back and found a comfortable place for herself. She took a plate of food from the side and wanted to eat it with a fork. Luo Xichen took the plate from her and took her place He picked up a small piece of cake and brought it to her lips.

The two of them had done this countless times since they were young. Sha Zhixing did not stand on ceremony with him. She was happy that he was serving her for free. After all, it was rare for second young Master Shao to be so considerate.