Chapter 469: If there is one

She ate the food that he had sent over one bite at a time, and her expression was one of enjoyment.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly, the corners of his lips twitching slightly.

After finishing a large plate of food, Sha Zhixing seemed not satisfied. She pointed at the other plate, indicating for Luo Xichen to continue.

Luo Xichen was easy to negotiate with today. He took action as soon as she gave the order. He had not eaten anything from the beginning to the end, and had been helping her.

Halfway through his action, his eyes suddenly drifted to her slightly bloated stomach. He suddenly said, "you eat so much. Do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up sometime? "

Sha Zhixing almost choked on her words.

She hit him on the shoulder and her face turned red. "What are you talking about? "

Did he think that she could eat because there was another one in her stomach?

Luo Xichen gave her a look that said, "did I say something wrong? " He pinched her soft face and added, "her face seems to be a little round. "

Sha Zhixing was embarrassed. "That's because I drank too much water before I went to bed last night. The swelling will go down later! "

Luo Xichen did not listen to her and replied Lazily, "It's not a bad thing to check. "

"Who went to the hospital for nothing? " Sha Zhixing said disdainfully.

Besides, didn't he know better than she did What else could he do?

"There's always an accident, isn't there? " Luo Xichen said in a casual tone, with a hint of ridicule.

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing could not be bothered with him. She took the plate from him, leaned to the side, and continued to eat.

Luo Xichen fell silent.

He smiled, put his arms around her, and leaned against her. He rested his Chin on her shoulder, and said in a low voice, "actually, it would be nice to have an accident like this, wouldn't it? "

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened. She turned her head slowly and looked at him in surprise.

He likes children?

Luo Xichen did not explain further. He took a Napkin and wiped the corner of her lips, which had a little bit of cream on it, and kissed her hard on the lips "Hurry up and eat. If you don't want to go out after eating, you can rest here. There's a party tonight, and you'll be busy today. "

Sha Zhixing came back to her senses after his words and sped up the meal.

After a short rest, she wanted to go out, but after a few steps, Luo Xichen saw that she was almost staggering, so he pulled her back.

"Rest for a while! " Luo Xichen pressed her against the Sofa made by the Rattan Chair next to her and sat down next to her. Naturally, he pulled her into his arms.

Sha Zhixing was really tired today. Her feet were still hurting. She thought that an Xin and Wen lan were still receiving the guests, so she decided to stay here and laze around.

Luo Xichen sat next to her and watched her sleep. He thought about what happened before the engagement and his eyes slowly darkened.

Who had chosen to take zhixing away at that time?

What was the purpose of this Was it to stop the engagement party or was it just to cause trouble for him?

Sha Zhixing was really tired. She fell asleep very quickly and the sound of her breathing was light and even.

The two of them leaned against each other. The scene was quiet and peaceful at first, but after a while, it was broken by a movement of Sha Zhixing