Chapter 488: Zhixing, are you checking up on me

"Grandfather and Rong Ci will be back in a few days. Rest early if you have nothing else to do, " Luo Xichen said and turned to leave the house.

Wen Lan's expression changed again.

Grandfather and Rong Ci were back so soon... ...

"Madam, are you okay? " The maid was very concerned about her condition. She held her wrist and led her upstairs.

Wen Lan did not seem to hear her. She stared blankly in the direction where Luo Xichen had disappeared, her mind filled with what he had just said.

How could it be so fast?

Luo Xichen left the house and drove straight back to the castle.

When he entered the room, Sha Zhixing had already woken up. She was sitting on the bed alone, hugging the pig rabbit's ears that she despised very much. She seemed to be a little upset.

When Luo Xichen saw this scene, the corner of his lips twitched slightly and he walked towards her step by step.

Sha Zhixing heard the familiar footsteps and her hands stopped moving. She turned her head and saw that it was him. She was stunned and asked in surprise, "where did you go so late at night? "

Her tone sounded like she was interrogating him.

"Is Young Madam Luo checking up on me? " Luo xichen smiled mockingly and walked to her side. When he was about to get close to her, he stretched out his long arm and pulled her slender body into his arms easily.

Then, he slowly tightened his arms and pressed her against his body.

"You haven't answered my question yet. " Sha Zhixing poked his arm with her fingertips and urged him.

"I went out for a walk, " Luo Xichen said casually and caressed her soft waist casually.

"You really have the time, " Sha Zhixing said sarcastically.

"worried about me? " Luo Xichen looked at the time on his watch and teased, "you've been waiting for me? "

"I just couldn't fall asleep. " Sha Zhixing found an excuse for herself, but her bright eyes lit up with a smile.

She had not seen him when she woke up, and she had not heard him say that he had something important to do. She was actually a little worried.

It was already so late, and she could not understand why he would suddenly disappear.

However, seeing that he was fine, she felt relieved.

Luo Xichen sat on the bed and put her on his lap. He lifted a small lock of her hair and played with it. He looked up and asked, "how long have you been awake? "

"A while, " Sha Zhixing replied casually. She was still curious. "You haven't told me where you went! "

"Do you really want to know? " Luo Xichen glanced at her lazily.

Sha Zhixing knew that he was not going to say anything nice, but she was curious about his disappearance.

It was not out of curiosity, but out of worry.

She was afraid that he was hiding something from her, and that something must be very serious.

However, Luo Xichen acted as if nothing had happened, and she could not get anything out of him.

Luo Xichen did not like to see her absent-minded. His hand on her waist could not help but pinch her soft waist.

"Ah... it hurts... " Sha Zhixing moaned in pain, her voice a little innocent. "Luo Xichen, what are you doing? "