Chapter 489 I'm thinking of you

Luo Xichen pinched her chin with his fingertips and looked at her face. He smiled and asked, "what are you thinking about? "

"I'm thinking of you. " Sha Zhixing took a deep breath and gave Luo Xichen an expressionless answer. Luo Xichen's lips were still pursed even before he went to bed.

She was indeed thinking of him, but she had never said such a thing to him so directly. After she said it, she was shocked by herself.

Why does this sound so pretentious?

Did he think that she could not leave him for even a second?

Luo Xichen kept smiling after hearing what she said.

Although he knew that she was just thinking about the problem, and perhaps she did not have any other emotions, he listened to her very well and did not continue to tease her.

As long as he was in her mind, it did not matter what she was thinking about.

"It's late. SLEEP WELL! " He kissed her forehead, pushed her onto the bed, pulled her into his arms in an absolutely domineering manner, and closed her eyes.

Sha Zhixing was still thinking about his sudden disappearance, but she wouldn't have guessed it if Luo Xichen didn't want to tell her.

She fell asleep as she thought about it.

The next day was the first day after their engagement. After yesterday's ceremony, their identities had undergone a subtle change.

FIANC? and fianc��e.

Sha Zhixing woke up very early in the morning. She was in a good mood and dug out the couple's lunchbox that she hadn't used for a long time. She made two lunches and put them into the box. She also made a few simple breakfasts.

By the time Luo Xichen came down, everything was ready on the dining table.

He actually liked to watch her wash her hands and make soup for him. It was a very warm feeling. Only at this time would she look more like a little wife.

After the two of them finished their breakfast, they left the castle and went to the company.

Sha Zhixing seemed to be in a good mood today and even took the initiative to drive.

Luo Xichen had a late rest last night. He was in charge of sleeping the whole time and his sleeping posture was very domineering. He never let go of Sha Zhixing's waist.

Sha Zhixing drove very fast. The castle was located in the outskirts of C city. There was a long stretch of deserted suburban road between Rong Xi and Rong Xi. There were few people in the suburbs, and the road was relatively smooth. Her Fair hands held the steering wheel She could use it freely.

Luo Xichen had been resting quite well, but he was interrupted by a pleasant fragrance after a while.

The fragrance came from Sha Zhixing.

She was driving. The Hood of the car was open, and the wind whistled past her ears. Her clothes were messed up, and her long hair brushed past his face from time to time. The fragrance was elegant and elegant.

Luo xichen could not resist such temptation. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes.

He turned his head and looked at the side of her face. His gaze slowly moved down to her collar, which was fluttering in the wind.

From his angle, he could see the faint scenery below her collarbone.

He did not notice his gaze. Sha Zhixing was still driving. She was very steady and fast.

She was good at driving. Although her facial features were soft and pretty, her movements were very domineering when she sat in the sports car. The visual conflict with her soft and pretty face was very strong.

Luo Xichen sat lazily in the passenger seat and looked at her leisurely. His dark eyes were locked on her face and he refused to let go. His eyes were still very hot, as thick as lava... ...