Chapter 495, private collection

"It's nothing. I just wanted to inform you about something. " He simu stood beside her and smiled "Miss Sha has been back in Rong Xi for quite some time now. You are quite clear about many of the rules in Rong Xi's design department. As I've said before, all members will choose the elimination system once a month in the future. This is also how the design department has been implementing it since Miss Sha left. "

She slowly raised her head and swept her gaze across the faces of the rest of the people in the office. She lifted her chin slightly. "The next round of the competition will be held within half a month. Does anyone have any objections? "

"No! " The others seemed to have gotten used to such a pattern. After he SIMU's words, they nodded their heads in agreement.

Sha Zhixing's drawing slowly stopped after her words. When she thought of the incident where she had been framed to withdraw from Rong Xi, her gaze darkened.

"Miss Sha, what do you think? " He simu did not miss her reaction and asked faintly.

After that, the rest of the people in the office all turned their gazes to her.

There was even someone who questioned in a low voice, "it's just an ability test, and you're already worried about it? The previous works wouldn't really be watered down, right? "

Sha Zhixing's clear and cold gaze swept over that person. She stood up and enunciated each word clearly, "I relied on myself! "

That person was struck by her confidence. He lowered his head and obediently shut his mouth.

Actually, after experiencing so many competitions, it didn't make sense to still doubt Sha Zhixing's strength, especially after she dared to design it in front of so many media outlets.

That person also understood this, so his words just now were actually a little lacking in confidence.

Sha Zhixing was not afraid of open competitions, but when she thought about it carefully, something always happened to her in the past few competitions, which made her a little wary.

However, this was a rule of the company, and she did not want to take a special route.

She looked up at he simu and said, "I don't have any objections. "

"Then it's settled. " He simu smiled slightly after she said that and turned to go into her office.

Not long after she left, Luo Xichen suddenly called and asked her to come to his office, as if he had something to say.

Sha Zhixing used to dislike coming to his office during working hours, but now the whole company knew about the two of them. Although she did not make it clear, normal people could see that there was something abnormal between the two of them.

Now that things had come to this, there was no need for her to avoid it.

Sha Zhixing put down the things in her hands and got up to go to Luo Xichen's office.

When she arrived, Luo Xichen was sitting on the SOFA with a tablet in his hand. He seemed to be looking at something.

Sha Zhixing entered the room and came to his side out of curiosity. She looked over and her eyes fell on the screen of the tablet.

Luo Xichen opened a space with a lot of pictures in it. All of them were about jewelry. Every design was very novel. Sha Zhixing had never seen it anywhere else.

Moreover, every design was breathtaking. It was so beautiful that it was suffocating.

Such works were too gorgeous and exquisite. Other than her Asteria, there was nothing else that Sha Zhixing had seen that could be compared to these works.

Almost at the first glance, her gaze was completely attracted... ...