Chapter 496

Sha Zhixing stared at the designs for a long time, her eyes unblinking.

"Do you like it? " Luo Xichen caught her reaction out of the corner of his eye. He pulled her into his arms and put the tablet between them.

"Yes! " Sha Zhixing replied without hesitation.

She had studied jewelry design and had designed many pieces herself. Her appraisal skills were pretty good.

She liked all the pieces here very much, and it was love at first sight. She could not bear to look away.

"Just pick a few if you like. We'll use them on our wedding day. " Luo Xichen was very satisfied with her reaction. He Leaned Lazily on the Sofa and handed the computer to her.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at him, the corners of her lips curling up slightly.

Why did he call her over so solemnly at work time? Was He asking her to pick the jewelry to go with the wedding day?

She was a little speechless at his behavior, but Sha Zhixing's heart was sweet.

Her fingertips swiped a few times on the computer screen. She wanted to continue flipping through the design pictures to appreciate them, but her eyes accidentally caught the name of the designer at the bottom right corner of the page.

Shi Qinuo... ...

These three words were very elegant, and they were written in a very domineering manner.

Next to his name, there was a small line of words at the bottom: private collection, personal, not for sale, banned from reprinting, banned from coveting.

Staring blankly at the small line of words at the bottom of the note, Sha Zhixing was stunned, dumbfounded... ...

No wonder the style was so gorgeous, so stunning. It was his!

However, this was Shi Qinuo's personal collection, and now Luo Xichen had gotten it, and he was still asking her to pick the works on it as if nothing had happened.

From the looks of it, he was going to let her wear Shi Qinuo's exclusive design in front of him on the wedding day?

"Xichen, where did you get this information from? " She asked as she put down the computer in her hand.

Luo Xichen was resting Lazily on the sofa when he heard her voice. He opened his eyes and looked at her. "I hacked into Shi Qinuo's computer and got it, " he replied without batting an eyelid

His tone was very natural when he said this. It felt like he was doing something the size of a sesame seed. He did not feel ashamed of his actions at all.

Sha Zhixing was speechless after his words. Then, she teased him casually, "since when did second young Master Shao become interested in doing such things? "

"As long as you're happy, " Luo Xichen said leisurely.

Sha Zhixing suddenly thought of the Asteria he had given her. It was the same item that was not for sale and was also unique.

Could it be that he had hacked into Shi Qinuo's computer, got the first-hand information from Shi Qinuo's computer, and went straight to his house to find the real thing?

Sha Zhixing was shocked by her own idea. She turned to him and asked tentatively, "Asteria, did you get it that way too? "

Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly, as if he agreed with her idea. "This is a good idea. "

"really? " Sha Zhixing frowned after hearing his words.

Luo Xichen looked at her and thought that she was funny. He carelessly ruffled her long hair with his big hands and said with a smile, "fake, silly! "

Luo Xichen saw Asteria's photo by accident and accidentally saw it on Shi Qinuo's computer. He wanted to buy it from him but Shi Qinuo refused to sell it.