Chapter 497 hit the nail on the head

After that, Luo Xichen had considered hacking his computer to remotely search Asteria's storage area. If he couldn't buy it, he might as well give it to Shi Qinuo!

Unfortunately, Shi Qinuo was too precious about the necklace. Not to mention the surveillance cameras, he had visited his house several times but couldn't find any trace of Asteria.

After that, Luo Xichen was ready to return to the country. The day before he came back, he had met Shi Qinuo once and had only told him the reason why he wanted the necklace. In the end, for some reason, the person who had said that he wouldn't give it to anyone for free.. Luo Xichen suddenly agreed to give him Asteria.

Luo Xichen was surprised that Shi Qinuo was so easy to talk to.

Luo Xichen still did not understand what Shi Qinuo had done that time.

However, he had a strange personality. It was normal for him to act out of character.

Sha Zhixing seemed to be very interested in every piece of Shi Qinuo's work. She held the tablet and carefully read through all of his collection designs for a long time. She was very happy when she read them and her lips were always slightly curled up.

After she had browsed through all of his works, she suddenly said something that almost made Luo xichen choke.

She said, "next time, just hack his home! "

The corner of Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly after she said that. Judging from her tone, she was going to do it again?

After looking at the pictures, Sha Zhixing was very interested in the real thing now. She put her arm on Luo Xichen's shoulder and said with a smile, "can you teach me? "

"What's the benefit? " Luo Xichen was surprised that she would say such a thing. However, it did not seem awkward for him to do such a thing. In fact, it was quite natural.

"Help me first! " Sha Zhixing pushed him and said coquettishly.

She had rarely acted coquettishly ever since she was young. This made Luo Xichen feel a little flattered.

"make it up to me when we get back! " Sha Zhixing put her arm around Luo Xichen's head, pulled down her face, and planted a kiss on Luo xichen's lips. Then, she took a notebook from the side and started to swipe on it.

Sha Zhixing sat next to Luo Xichen. Her eyes were fixed on the computer screen. Her eyes were bright. She seemed to be very interested in what Luo Xichen was doing.

To be more precise, she was interested in Shi Qinuo's work.

She couldn't see it anywhere else.

This was the normal mentality of everyone who was loyal to the design. When they saw a stunning picture, they couldn't help but want to see the real thing. Many designers would do this.

Sha Zhixing had never thought that the people she met every day would have so many private collections.

Luo Xichen seemed to have hacked the system of Shi Qinuo's residence a long time ago. He could directly find out what was happening on his side, and it wasn't at the resort hotel he was staying at now. It seemed to be his home.

It was lavishly decorated, with a Gorgeous Rococo style. It had the elegance of medieval Europe, as if it had come from a noble family.

Sha Zhixing looked at the computer screen quietly, watching the images change one by one. When she finally stopped in a storage room, her eyes suddenly lit up.

It was a very exquisite room, like a crystal palace in a fairytale world. There were many cabinets, and on each of the counters was a beautiful piece of jewelry. It was covered with a velvet cloth. It was dazzling and unusually bright.

At the right time, there was a slight knock on the door.

Immediately after, the personal assistant said respectfully, "Young Master Luo, Mr. Shi is here! "