Chapter 498: Let's go to France together

There was no sound coming from the room.

Sha Zhixing was fascinated and her attention was completely drawn to the design.

Half of Luo Xichen's attention was focused on the computer, and the other half was focused on admiring Sha Zhixing's expression. He did not notice the noise outside either.

"Young Master Luo, may we come in? " The assistant's voice came from outside the door again.

There was still no sound in the room.

Just as the assistant's voice was about to sound for the third time, Shi qinuo closed his eyes and suddenly pushed the door open expressionlessly.

The two people in the room were stunned by the sudden voice. One of them was stunned, and the other was surprised for only one or two seconds. Then, their expressions returned to normal.

"s-master, why are you here? " Sha Zhixing looked at the computer screen and wanted to close the computer, but Shi Qinuo's sharp eyes saw the design on it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? " Luo Xichen said as if nothing had happened. He added, "It's good that you're here. I don't need to look for you. "

Shi Qinuo walked towards the two of them step by step. The veins on his forehead seemed to throb a little. He sat down next to Luo Xichen, took the notebook that Sha Zhixing was holding, and put it on his lap.

His fingers slid a few times on the touch screen. He looked at the pictures on it, and his face was a little dark.

"Master, these designs are so beautiful! " Sha Zhixing ran to the side to make a cup of coffee and handed it to him eagerly. "Why haven't I heard you mention it before? "

Shi Qinuo turned to look at her and said in a tone that was hard to read, "since when are you interested in black people? "

Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed by his question and smiled. "I'm just curious. "

Luo Xichen suddenly said, "the system at home should be strengthened. "

He did not seem to have any intention of introspecting. It seemed that he was very disgusted with the equipment at home.

"GET LOST! " Shi Qinuo replied expressionlessly. He looked at Sha Zhixing and said indifferently, "don't spoil my disciple. "

Luo Xichen's lips twitched. He did not want to tell Luo Xichen that the person who had instigated him to do this was Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing nudged him with her elbow and kept whispering to him.

Luo Xichen looked down on her behavior. He rolled his eyes at her and made himself a cup of coffee, stirring the spoon carelessly.

Luo Xichen was familiar with computers, and so was Shi Qinuo. One of them was in charge of hacking, and the other took over the computer and removed the remote software. However, he did not delete the photos that Sha Zhixing had browsed.

He put the laptop back into her hand and suddenly said, "if you are interested in my home, you are welcome to come to France with me. "

Sha Zhixing was surprised by his half-joking words. She turned her head slowly and her eyes fell on his face.

Wasn't he angry that she and Luo Xichen had done all this?

Luo Xichen added two words after his words, "after marriage. "

Shi Qinuo did not comment on his words. He only looked at Sha Zhixing and the computer in her hand.

There was an album open on the computer. The album that she and Luo Xichen had browsed earlier had a line of words marked "do not covet" on it.

The words were not that eye-catching, but to Sha Zhixing, they were particularly eye-catching.

The evidence that she had deliberately sabotaged him... ...