Chapter 499, wedding gift

Sha Zhixing's expression was a little awkward when she looked at the collection. Her fingers swiped on the touchscreen, wanting to close the collection, but Shi Qinuo suddenly reached out and stopped her.

Then, he slowly said, "you like these very much? "

Sha Zhixing nodded very honestly, looking like a primary school student who had done something wrong and was being interrogated.

"which ones do you like? " Shi Qinuo asked again.

Sha Zhixing pointed at the pictures on it and clicked on a lot of them. There was a crown, a necklace, a ring, and an earring.

"Come to my place tomorrow, " Shi Qinuo said and closed the computer.

Luo Xichen was stunned by Shi Qinuo's words. He stopped stirring his coffee and looked at Shi Qinuo.

Was He going to give these to her?

But these things were in France, unless he sent them by air?

Shi Qinuo did not express his intention clearly, but Luo Xichen had known him for many years. It was easy to guess what he meant.

Sha Zhixing was even more direct. She simply asked, "master, are you going to give them all to me? "

Shi Qinuo gave her a sidelong glance and said Lazily, "a wedding gift. "

Sha Zhixing's eyes lit up at the simple words.

Was He going to give all his treasures to her as a wedding gift?

When he asked her how much she liked them, Sha Zhixing did not know his intentions, so she said a little too much all at once. If he was going to give them all to her, wouldn't that be a little too big a gift?

Shi Qinuo's designs were almost all expensive!

Luo Xichen had just guessed it, but he was still surprised when he heard his affirmative answer.

Back then, he had refused to give him ASTERIA, but now they had given him such a big gift so easily. Was it because of the wedding or because the person he wanted was Sha Zhixing?

Luo Xichen narrowed his eyes and looked at him. He could not figure out the reason for him to do this, but he had saved himself a lot of trouble by giving it to her.

The only jewelry that was worthy of Zhi Xing was Shi Qinuo's unique collection.

Sha Zhixing was a little embarrassed.

He had hacked into her computer and hacked into her home system. Not only had he not taken it to heart, but he had also given her so many gifts. She was embarrassed to see Shi Qinuo like this.

Sha Zhixing was silent for a long time. She did not know how to thank him. She smiled and said, "master, let me treat you to a meal. "

Shi Qinuo did not stand on ceremony with her and agreed readily.

"treat me as well? " Luo xichen suddenly interrupted.

"Sure. " Sha Zhixing nodded readily and added, "I'll remember to bring you along for lunch tomorrow. "

Luo Xichen felt that he had been treated differently.

Why did he become a lunchbox just because he was invited?

Young Master Shao did not feel very well. However, when Sha Zhixing was about to leave with Shi Qinuo that night, he called her to his side and forced her to have a card.

Sha Zhixing felt very uncomfortable holding his card.

Was He afraid that she would not even have the money to treat him to dinner?

Not to mention the few cards he had given her, was her family that poor?

"Go home early tonight. Don't forget about my compensation. " Luo Xichen pursed his lips and looked at her. He deliberately reminded her and continued to work on the documents.