Chapter 509: The wedding was brought forward

Luo Xichen's fingertips caressed her fair back a few times. He suddenly picked her up with his arms and led her straight to the bedroom.

"Luo... Luo Xichen, don't, I really can't do it now... " the two of them were just talking about the matter of the dress when they suddenly went into the bedroom. Sha Zhixing suddenly became nervous.

Based on her understanding of Luo Xichen and the context, nothing good would happen after they entered the bedroom.

"You can't do it like this? " Luo Xichen looked at her with a smirk on his face. His words were full of ridicule.

"Let me down and I'LL GO BY MYSELF! " Sha Zhixing pushed him away and tried to break away from him.

However, Luo Xichen refused to let her go.

"Aren't you tired? " The Thin Lips said Lazily. He kicked the door and led her into the master bedroom.

Then, he pushed her onto the bed.

Sha Zhixing wanted to continue pushing him away, but she gave up the thought that she was no match for him.

She turned around and lay on the bed.

She heard a slight creak and the bed seemed to have caved in a little.

Sha Zhixing knew that Luo Xichen was also on the bed, but he still had his back to her and did not turn around.

There was no movement behind her.

Sha Zhixing was a little depressed.

With Luo Xichen's habits, he was not like him.

She wanted to turn her head to look, but she did not want to pay attention to him.

Sha Zhixing was silent for a while and decided to pay attention to him.

However, after a while, she was a little sleepy, but there was still no movement behind her.

Ten minutes later, Sha Zhixing fell into a deep sleep.

Luo Xichen sat beside her and looked at her tired face. His lips twitched a little.

He just wanted to give her a good rest and she was already so wary of him?

So, second young master Shao's rare consideration was wasted on Sha Zhixing's lack of amorous feelings... ...

Sha Zhixing was wearing a wedding dress and she seemed to be uncomfortable sleeping. She kept turning her body around and her hands would occasionally pull on the dress unconsciously.

Luo Xichen glanced at her and guessed that the dress was too cumbersome. He got out of bed and found a comfortable nightgown for her. He returned to her side and carefully changed out of her wedding dress.

After he was done, he closed the door for her and walked out of the room.

Luo Xichen went to the study and picked the time for the wedding.

He wanted the wedding to be as soon as possible. The attitude of his family was too strange for him to understand. He wanted to find a way to marry zhixing so that he could feel at ease.

However, the wedding preparations needed a certain amount of time, and the custom-made wedding dress also needed a period of time.

Especially the wedding dress. high-end wedding dresses that were purely handmade usually took a long time to make.

Luo Xichen and Dean had discussed Sha Zhixing's wedding dress in detail. Dean also knew how much importance he placed on this wedding. Naturally, he would not be careless in the production of the wedding dress. This might directly cause the wedding to take even longer.

Rong Ci and the old man would return to China in about twenty days.

Luo Xichen thought about Wen lan and the old man's attitude towards him and Zhixing and decided to bring forward the wedding as soon as possible.

He gave Dean a call at the thought of this and said straightforwardly, "help me make the wedding dress in ten days, no matter how much manpower and money it takes! "