Chapter 510 crossing the ocean to seek abuse

Luo Xichen's attitude was very unyielding. He did not even give Dean time to react before he hung up the phone.

Dean, who was waiting at the airport, stared at the phone for a long time. When he came back to his senses, he suddenly cried out in a strange tone "complete a handmade wedding dress in ten days? Do you think I'm a God? Luo Xichen, you're deliberately making things difficult for me, aren't you? "

Dean's Chinese was very poor, but his curses were smooth. His voice was very loud. His voice kept circling in the air above the airport lounge, attracting the strange gazes of many people around him.

He was even more annoyed at himself at the moment. He had not stayed in Italy, but had actually listened to his words and come all the way to this place. Not only did he not have any good food and fun, but he had also thrown him such a big trouble Wasn't he masochistic?

However, despite his anger, Dean would not refuse the wedding dress because of his friendship with Luo Xichen.

However, how much manpower would it take to make a wedding dress in ten days?

Dean's level of appreciation was extremely high. If a piece of work did not reach the level that he was satisfied with, he would usually just destroy it.

What could satisfy him would usually take at least a month.

Wouldn't ten days kill him?

Thinking of this, Dean comforted Luo Xichen several times in his heart.

He was still muttering to himself when he boarded the plane.

However, after the plane arrived in Rome, he immediately threw himself into the wedding dress design.

Three days of design, seven days of working day and night. When the wedding dress was made, it took exactly ten days.

It was a classical palace style design. It was pure white with bare shoulders. The front part of the chest was decorated with exquisite embroidery and a few pieces of white feathers. The Hem was inlaid with 336 tiny white diamonds. It was extremely luxurious.

The dress was flown to c city one day after it was made.

Sha Zhixing was stunned when she saw the dress.

She seldom wore fancy clothes. She liked simple and casual things. However, the last time she tried the design of the palace style, the effect was very good. Dean also noticed this and helped her determine the style.

Luo Xichen was also satisfied with the dress. At least, it was much better than the effect of the two of them holding a magazine and slowly referencing it.

"GO AND TRY IT ON! " Luo xichen glanced at the fitting room and reminded Sha Zhixing.

However, she rejected him. "No! "

"Why? " Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows. He was a little surprised by her words.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him and did not explain.

Last time, she had measured her measurements and tried on the style. It had taken her so long to make it. How could it not be suitable?

This wedding dress was too beautiful. She was afraid that it would be ruined.

Luo Xichen felt a little regretful. In fact, he had wanted to see the scene of her wedding day in advance, but she refused and he did not force her.

Back in the study, Luo Xichen began to prepare the invitation.

From the engagement to the upcoming wedding, Luo Xichen had almost contracted all the work. He could have arranged for others to do it, but they did not. Everything was handled by himself, which made him feel at ease.

Sha Zhixing stood beside him and accompanied him. Every time he finished writing, she would arrange for the servants to send him out.

The atmosphere in the study was quiet and warm.

Little did he know that in the few hours after the invitation was sent out, the world outside had changed... ...