Chapter 514 sweet memories

Mi Le also asked her assistant to pass on a message to Luo Xichen, asking when he would have time for her to take a photo again.

Luo Xichen heard his assistant imitating her and hung up the phone with a cold face.

After that, Luo xichen wanted to call Gu Yiran again. However, considering that Mu Siyan had helped him to look for her so urgently, Gu Yiran probably did not know where Sha Zhixing went.

Luo Xichen continued to look for her outside for some time. At dawn, he returned to the castle with nothing.

The room was still empty. The wedding dress that had just arrived yesterday was hanging alone in the wardrobe. There were no traces of the bed sheets or pillows.

It was obvious that Sha Zhixing had never returned.

Luo Xichen took his phone and wanted to call her again. However, he suddenly remembered that she did not even bring her phone with her when she left the house.

He wanted to call an Xin again to see if Sha Zhixing had contacted her. When his fingers touched the screen, pictures suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

They were all Sha Zhixing's. The wallpaper was the one where she had tried on her wedding dress a few days ago. It was gorgeous and royal. The corners of her lips curled up slightly. Her smile was very sweet and bright.

The last few photos were of her that he had taken or made fun of. There were also a few screenshots of the advertisement that they had taken together. It was pure white and beautiful, with feathers flying all over the sky.

Luo Xichen had made these pictures into an album and used them on the screensaver of his phone. Every one of them was about Sha Zhixing. It was full of memories.

Luo xichen looked at the pictures quietly. His eyes turned red bit by bit.

He turned around and ran downstairs. He walked to the car and rushed out of the castle in a white Lamborghini.

Luo Xichen did not know where Sha Zhixing was, so he could only search aimlessly. He searched all over C city and finally turned to an island across the sea from the city.

He and Sha Zhixing had been here before, but they had not fully developed the one. They had been attacked by wolves on the island.

The first time they came here, Luo Xichen had asked her why she had suddenly thought of coming to this place. He remembered that her answer at that time was, yes.

There was no reason. She had just thought of it.

The same was true for Luo Xichen, it was just a sudden thought.

There were still not many people on the island. Compared to the other islands, it was relatively quiet, but the developed parts were still quite good. The hotel and restaurant were well-decorated, and there was even a private suite for tourists.

Luo Xichen walked around the beach. When he was about to turn to the shore, two little boys suddenly ran towards him, laughing.

When they came to his side, one of them ran too fast and suddenly fell on him.

Luo Xichen was upset about Sha Zhixing. He did not have much love for her, so he lifted the little boy's arm and was about to throw him out.

When he did this, the little boy lost his balance and fell on him again.

At the same time, his little hand reached for his belt quietly... ...

Luo Xichen's senses were very sharp. Normally, he would have avoided this kind of thing before anyone got close to him.

But now, he had been looking for Sha Zhixing for the whole night, and her image was all in his mind. He had not noticed the little boy's movements.