Chapter 515 the second young master who is worth 30 yuan

After pushing the little boy away, he went straight to the shore, found a restaurant, and ordered a random breakfast. He sat down and prepared to continue his search after he was done.

He ordered a cup of hot milk and a piece of toast. It was very simple. When he was living with Sha Zhixing, she would often prepare the same thing.

Luo Xichen had not yet found the person, so he had very little time to eat. He finished the food in a few minutes and went to the cashier. He wanted to pay, but his hand searched in his pocket for a long time, only to find that... ... His wallet was gone ..!

Luo Xichen's mind suddenly cleared up. The image of him and the little boy suddenly came to his mind.

He had seen this kind of child-like method of stealing money many times, but he had failed today.

Luo Xichen cursed under his breath and rubbed his temples.

He had actually made such a stupid mistake!

The worst thing was that all his cards were in his wallet!

"Sir, the total is 30 yuan, " the receptionist reminded him with a 180-degree smile.

Luo Xichen looked at her with a stiff expression and did not say anything.

"Sir, is there a problem? " The waitress looked at him with a stiff expression.

Luo Xichen coughed and turned his face to her. He was expecting her to be surprised when she saw his face. However, the waitress just looked at him with a stiff smile.

Obviously, she did not know him.

Luo Xichen looked at her and closed his eyes. He looked at the expensive watch in his hand, took it off and handed it to her. He said expressionlessly, "I was in a rush this morning and forgot my wallet. Is this watch worth 30 yuan? "

None of the items on his wrist were less than seven digits in price. This one was also studded with diamonds. It was even more valuable. The entire restaurant could buy dozens of them.

However, the waiter only glanced at his watch and replied calmly, "nowadays, there are so many fake things. DIAMONDS, crystals, and artificial things are much more beautiful than the real ones. I heard that the more beautiful things are, the more fake they are. "

A few people who were eating around her heard what she said and looked over curiously. Some of them even came over to gossip.

The scene, which was originally just two people, was packed with people.

Half of them were here for the astronomical price, and the other half were here for Luo Xichen's face.

Many people in the crowd whispered, "young people these days dress themselves up. Why can't they afford 30 yuan? "

"Yeah, they can even make it look real, " another person chimed in.

"What a waste of a human face, " the third person exclaimed.

Following their voices, the discussion around them grew louder and louder. Everyone was pointing at Luo Xichen, but no one recognized him.

The island had not been fully developed to begin with. Most of the people gathered here had lived on the island since they were young. It was obvious that they knew little about the outside world.

Luo Xichen's cold face contorted a little after the group's words.

The only heir of the Rong Xi Group, the Crown Prince of the Luo family, a rich young master who had grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and the number one aristocrat in Asia with a net worth of more than a hundred billion yuan. Now, he was being looked at differently by so many people because of 30 yuan... ...