Chapter 516"I am yours now. "

It was ridiculous to say such a thing.

Luo Xichen had never been in such a sorry state in his life.

The most ridiculous thing was that these people were unreasonable!

Luo Xichen took out his cell phone and wanted to call his assistant to send the money over. Outside the crowd, a slender figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Sha Zhixing was standing on the road outside the restaurant. Her gaze fell quietly on Luo Xichen, who was surrounded by the crowd in the middle. Her beautiful face was expressionless.

"Zhixing! " Luo Xichen's eyes flashed with joy. He pushed the crowd away and wanted to walk over. However, the waiter grabbed his sleeve and said, "sir, you haven't paid yet! "

Luo Xichen was a little annoyed. He glanced at the person coldly and pulled his sleeve out of her hand.

He wanted to continue walking towards Sha Zhixing. However, the crowd around him blocked his way with a sense of justice.

Luo Xichen was a little angry at this action.

He was worried that Sha Zhixing might disappear from his sight in the blink of an eye, while he had to deal with this group of troublesome people. At this time, he had a headache.

Fortunately, Sha Zhixing did not leave after seeing him.

She just stood outside the restaurant and looked at him calmly, her eyes a little cold.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY! " Luo Xichen could not care less about the others. He shouted coldly and wanted to push away the group of people in front of him, but the waiter was even more exaggerated. She ran out and hugged his leg.

This action might have been done out of desperation, but the words that came out of his mouth almost made Luo Xichen twist his leg and throw him onto the street.

After the waiter hugged Luo Xichen's leg, he kept shouting... ... 30 yuan ...

Luo Xichen's face almost turned green after the "30 yuan" . The veins on his hands were almost bulging. He had to use a lot of restraint to resist the urge to throw him out on the spot.

Sha Zhixing watched the farce outside the door expressionlessly. As Luo Xichen was about to fly into a rage, she walked towards him step by step.

She walked to the front of the crowd, took out 50 yuan from her one-shoulder bag, and put it on the cashier. "This gentleman's family is very poor. Don't make things difficult for him. I'll pay for him. Keep the change. "

Her words did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

Many people even looked at Luo xichen sympathetically. Looking at his Armani coat and the Cartier Watch, they could not help but exclaim, "the brighter and more beautiful things are indeed fake! "

Luo Xichen's face was a little twisted as he listened to their exclamations, but he did not argue with them.

He had found Sha Zhixing, and she had not continued to avoid him. He was in a better mood than anything else. Even though he had just encountered such an embarrassing situation, he did not mind it at all.

An arm wrapped around her shoulder and turned around to face the crowd. Following her words, he suddenly smiled and said slowly, "as you can see, this young lady has just paid my debt... "

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly turned to Sha Zhixing, and the corners of his lips curled up a little. Then, he continued, "in order to repay this favor of 30 yuan, I am now yours! "

When he said the "30 yuan, " he almost gritted his teeth and squeezed it out. His last sentence was even more emphasized by him. He said each word with a pause, and it felt like he was making an oath in front of everyone.