Chapter 517 has been looking for you

Sha Zhixing had only wanted to make fun of him. She did not expect him to go along with what she said. He even said it so naturally, as if it was true. She did not feel embarrassed at all.

The future heir of the Rong Xi Group, the Most Valuable Bachelor in Asia, would actually sell himself for 30 dollars. It was ridiculous!

However, when Luo Xichen said that, his expression was very natural. It was as if his noble identity really did not exist.

His idea was actually very simple. She had directed a scene, and he would act with her as long as she was not angry.

Sha Zhixing looked at him with an extremely strange look. It was as if she was looking at a freak. She stared at him for a long time, then turned her head and walked out of the restaurant.

"Zhixing, wait! " Luo Xichen's expression changed under one of her actions. He pushed aside the crowd and chased after her with big strides.

Sha Zhixing ignored him and walked forward without looking back. She passed through the streets and finally entered a hotel with a family-style suite.

The hotel was very quiet. There was a large orchard in front of the residential area. There was no one inside when the two of them went in one after the other.

Sha Zhixing went straight to her room after she went in.

She was about to close the door when Luo Xichen followed closely behind her. He put his arm in front of the door and stopped her.

He put one hand on the door and did not go in immediately. He was silent for a while and said calmly, "Zhixing, let's talk. "

Sha Zhixing smiled mockingly after he said that. She thought of what happened last night and pushed his hand away. She closed the door with a bang.

Luo xichen stood outside the door and did not leave or force his way in.

There was a few minutes of silence inside and outside the room.

Luo xichen looked at the door and said slowly, "I've been looking for you ever since you left last night. "

There was no sound coming from the room.

"I'm worried about you. " Luo Xichen's voice sounded again.

Sha Zhixing was busy with her own matters inside and still did not pay attention to him.

The room she rented was a suite. The style of the hotel was family style. One Room was like a small home with a kitchen. It was very convenient.

Sha Zhixing went to the kitchen after entering the room.

Her heart was not made of steel. She would be sad, sad, and disappointed after what happened last night. However, she would not let these emotions affect her for too long.

It was not worth it to be sad for someone who would not even give her the most basic trust!

She was a straightforward person. She could take it and let it go. If Luo Xichen really hurt her one day, she would definitely turn around and leave him without any hesitation!

Luo Xichen did not know what was going on in the house. He guessed that she would hear him out. After a moment of silence, he continued, "what happened last night is not what you think. "

There was still no sound of Sha Zhixing's voice in the house.

"Zhixing, open the door, will you? " Luo Xichen could not see her reaction through the door. He knocked on the door and asked for her opinion.

He was answered by the sound of Porcelain and water. It sounded like... ... Washing dishes ...

Luo Xichen's face turned green immediately after the sound.

He had said so much outside, and she had been minding her own business?