Chapter 519: If you never leave

Sha Zhixing had wanted to shorten the time they spent together because she did not have the time. She did not expect Luo Xichen to respond to her like this.

"Go ahead and do your thing! " Luo xichen seemed to be easy to talk to today. He walked to the side and sat down, waiting for her quietly.

He was sitting across from Sha Zhixing at the dining table, and there was a set of her chopsticks next to him.

Sha Zhixing did not know how to respond to him.

What she said just now was just an excuse. She was already on the island. What was there to be busy about?

If there was, it would probably be something as trivial as breakfast.

However, Luo Xichen was sitting right across from her. She could not imagine how Luo Xichen would react if she dared to use this as an excuse to ignore him while she enjoyed her breakfast.

Sha Zhixing was a little conflicted. However, would her life stop if he did not leave for the rest of the day?

She could not be bothered with that thought. She sat across from him and lowered her head as she ate her breakfast.

As for Luo Xichen, she had filtered everything from his eyes.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly and his gaze fell on her face. To Sha Zhixing's surprise, he did not show any signs of anger and did not stop her.

Sha Zhixing was a little uncomfortable at first, but she soon got over it. She ate her breakfast carelessly and did not seem to care about Luo Xichen at all.

After breakfast, she tidied up her plate and cleaned it. Sha Zhixing opened the door and went to the orchard outside.

The Orchard was planted in the hotel and there were a lot of fruits. There was a small piece before the door and a large piece at the back of the hotel. The air on the island was good and there was less pollution. The fruits were fresher than the ones sold in the market The guests who stayed here could pick whatever they wanted.

Sha Zhixing went to the orchard at the back of the hotel. The area was very wide and there were many cherry trees.

She held a small basket and wanted to reach for the cherries, but the branches were too high and she couldn't reach them.

Luo Xichen watched her from the side and walked over. He didn't say anything and easily pulled down a few branches. He picked the cherries and put them into the small basket in her hand.

Sha Zhixing was grateful too. She kept the cherries as soon as he took them off. She couldn't reach them herself.

Soon, the Small Basket was full of cherries.

She went back to her room without looking at him.

She wanted to close the door, but Luo Xichen went in before her.

Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly. She Thought of the Commotion He had caused this morning and didn't want to get shot again, so she let him in.

However, she didn't talk to him after she let him in.

She washed the fresh fruits from the orchard and put them on a plate in the morning. Then, she went to prepare lunch.

She had bought the dishes in advance. The food on the island was very fresh and there was a lot of seafood. Sha Zhixing had made a sumptuous meal, but the portion was a little small. It was obviously not Luo Xichen's portion.

After she was done, she brought the dishes to the table and was ready to continue eating her breakfast. However, she caught a glimpse of Luo Xichen, who was sitting next to her without saying a word. Sha Zhixing was holding her fork very heavily.

Luo Xichen observed her reaction and his cold lips moved slightly. "Are you all done? "