Chapter 520: You should be responsible for me

Sha Zhixing slowly put down the cutlery in her hand and looked out of the window without answering.

However, she did not walk away nor did she mind her own business.

Luo Xichen knew that she could listen to him now.

After thinking for a while, he slowly said, "I was very shocked when I first saw the news last night. I just need some time to digest what I saw in my eyes. It's not what you think. "

After a pause, he suddenly turned his head to her and said, "this is a normal reaction. Shouldn't the first reaction of anyone in such a situation be to reflect on why such a thing happened? "

Sha Zhixing's face turned to the side after his words. She looked into his eyes quietly and smiled mockingly.

He was telling her that he was too surprised by the news at that time, so when she asked that question, he had ignored her feelings?

Luo Xichen, do you know how important the word "trust" is to me?

There were many people who attacked Sha Zhixing on the news last night. When the whole world was blaming her, if he could tell her that he believed in her, perhaps she could pretend that she did not care about what other people thought of her.

However, he did not. He chose to slowly digest what he saw.

He had known her for 19 years. Did he not know what kind of person she was?

Sha Zhixing suddenly felt a chill in her heart. She stood up, opened the door and walked out.

"Zhixing! " Luo Xichen looked at her back in shock. He pushed the door open and followed her out.

Sha Zhixing walked in front of him and ignored him.

The two of them passed through a cobblestone path and entered the cherry orchard. Sha Zhixing wanted to continue walking, but Luo Xichen stepped forward and grabbed her wrist.

He pulled her to his side and pressed her against his chest.

Sha Zhixing was a little angry at his actions. She raised her hand and was about to hit him. "Luo Xichen, what are you doing? "

Luo Xichen ignored her actions. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist and hugged her tightly. His eyes were on the fruit trees in the garden, and his low voice was a little bitter "If I say that no matter what happens, I will stand by your side, will you believe me? ''

He had been careless about what had happened last night, but he had never questioned her at all. He had only given her a slow response time.

The body in his arms slowly quieted down after his words, and Sha Zhixing's hands that were resisting him slowly fell down.

Luo Xichen had rarely spoken in such a tone since she was young. His tone was weak and a little bitter, and it made Sha Zhixing's silent heart feel as if something had stirred it, stirring up a shallow ripple.

He said that he would stand on her side... ...

Sha Zhixing usually believed Luo xichen's words.

In her opinion, he was the kind of person who would choose not to say it, but would definitely do it if he said it.

This was her understanding of him.

Moreover, when she thought of the sorry state he was in this morning, Sha Zhixing actually felt a little sorry for him, but she did not show it before.

When the two of them met in the morning, he looked very tired. He looked like the kind of person who had not slept the whole night. He was surrounded by a large group of people for a measly 30 yuan.

He was the Prince of Rong Xi, a man who had grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Such an embarrassing situation would probably only happen once in his life?