Chapter 531: Night Excursion

If Luo xichen nodded, Sha Zhixing would be more confident in her own work.

The two of them were busy with their own work.

When Sha Zhixing was in the middle of her design, she would occasionally harass Luo Xichen and ask for his opinion.

Luo Xichen usually spoke to her in a frivolous manner, but he was still very serious when it came to matters like this. He explained a lot to her from his own point of view. Sha Zhixing then took the design and made some changes on the SOFA.

Luo Xichen continued to do his own things. It was already 11 o'clock in the evening when he was done with the pile of work in his hands.

He turned his head and looked at Sha Zhixing beside him.

Sha Zhixing's design had been finalized. She was holding it in her hands and admiring herself. The corners of her lips were slightly curled up, as if she was very satisfied with it.

Luo xichen stretched comfortably. He was not sleepy at the moment. He suggested, "Zhixing, let's go out for a walk! "

"where are we going so late at night? " Sha Zhixing was admiring the design in her hands. She was not very interested in what he had to say.

Luo Xichen put the blueprints in her hands aside and led her out of the house, not caring whether she was happy or not.

Eleven o'clock was not too late for him, and he could not fall asleep at this time. He just wanted to take advantage of the time when the two of them were still on the island to take a look around.

Otherwise, he would probably be very busy when he got back.

The night on the island was very quiet. Other than the sound of the wind, the sound of the waves, and the occasional sound of insects in the orchard, there was nothing else.

Luo Xichen had wanted to go to the beach, but Sha Zhixing refused. She felt that the beach was too far away, so she dragged him there in the end... ... The orchard closest to their room ...

They didn't even have to walk so far out of the hotel.

Usually, tourist attractions were as small as a tree in a house, and as big as the periphery of a house would be specially decorated. It was the same on this island.

The Orchard at night was different from the scenery they saw during the day. At night, the paths in the middle were lit up with strings of colorful lights. They were orange and white in color and hung obscurely on the treetops. They followed the starting point of the road all the way to the end. It was a long stretch The originally Green Orchard was decorated like a dream. It was very beautiful and confusing.

Luo Xichen did not expect the orchard to be designed like this. He had imagined it to be pitch black when he came here. He wondered why Sha Zhixing came to the orchard at night.

However, he understood after seeing this.

Sha Zhixing had many reasons. The air in the orchard was good, it was close to nature, and the fruits were colorful. There was food to fill one's stomach when one was tired and hungry. How perfect was that?

The biggest reason was that it was only a few steps away from the room. If she was tired, it would be convenient to go back.

However, she did not dare to tell Luo Xichen this last reason.

The orchard was very big, and there was a lake in the depths of the garden. Although Sha Zhixing had stayed here for two nights, she only realized now that it was at the end of the orchard. It was shaped like a crescent moon, and very beautiful.

There was a wooden boat on the lake, probably for the guests'leisure time.

Sha Zhixing was a little happy when she saw the lake. Her legs were weak, and she did not want to move.

"shall we go boating on the lake? " Sha Zhixing pulled Luo Xichen and walked towards the lakeside without waiting for Luo Xichen's permission.

One of the benefits of boating was that she could rest. It was not up to her to help anyway. She could just sit on the lake and enjoy it.

That was what Sha Zhixing thought.