Chapter 532 was flipped over

Luo Xichen followed behind her and said casually, "actually, I prefer to take a bath here together. "

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing turned her head and glared at him. She walked in front of him and came to the shore.

"Who designed this hotel? What a genius! " Sha Zhixing jumped onto the small wooden boat next to her and exclaimed to herself.

Luo Xichen also wanted to ask this question.

He was so picky that he did not even complain after coming here.

After getting on the boat, Luo Xichen paddled casually with the paddle in his hand. The small wooden boat rippled in the water and left the shore.

The night was getting darker and darker. The Silvery Moonlight fell quietly on the crescent lake. The surface of the lake was sparkling, giving the place a mysterious beauty.

Luo Xichen sat opposite Sha Zhixing. His eyes were always on Sha Zhixing's face. He noticed every frown and smile on her face.

This moment was very peaceful and peaceful. Everything was beautiful.

Especially after the storm last night, this moment was very precious.

Luo xichen looked at the smiling face quietly. His slender arm unconsciously reached towards Sha Zhixing's slender waist... ...

Sha Zhixing was caught off guard. She wanted to avoid him, but her body shrank back. With one move, she fell backward and the boat started to shake under her sway.

"Don't move. " A hoarse voice rang in her ears. Luo Xichen hugged her, his cold lips gently brushing across her pink cheeks. His hand on her waist was slightly retracted. Sha Zhixing trembled slightly from the simple movement.

"Luo... Luo Xichen, what are you doing? " Sha Zhixing's body only trembled a little However, Sha Zhixing suddenly panicked when she felt the swaying body of the boat. She started to tremble violently as well. "Don't do this... steady... don't... steady... the boat is going to capsize... "

"What? Don't steady? " Luo Xichen's hoarse voice was full of ridicule. The last three words that he deliberately emphasized had a deeper meaning.

"The boat... ah... " Sha Zhixing was sitting at the stern of the boat. The boat swayed a few times and she lost control. Her slender body fell backward ...

At the moment of the fall, her hand suddenly grabbed Luo Xichen's arm.


Two sounds of falling into the water followed... ...

The silvery-white Moonlight poured on the surface of the Shimmering Lake. The Orchard at night had a quiet and peaceful beauty. It was a kind of free and easy nature that did not fit in with the secular world. It was so beautiful that one could not bear to destroy it.

The sudden sound seemed to be out of place with this kind of atmosphere.

Sha Zhixing had lost her balance and fell down. Luo Xichen had been dragged down by her.

The two sounds of falling into the water were very loud, causing the birds in the garden to flutter their wings.

Both of them were completely wet.

However, the lake was shallow. It was not a big deal to fall down. At most, their clothes would be wet.

Sha Zhixing soaked in the water. She grabbed Luo Xichen's arm with one hand and threw a few handfuls of water at him. Looking at the water droplets dripping from his hair, she smiled with satisfaction. It was as if she was saying, "you made me fall down just now! "

Luo Xichen pursed his thin lips and his eyebrows twitched. His black eyes, which were brighter than Xingzi's, narrowed slightly as he looked at the smug Sha Zhixing.