Chapter 546 forced her to leave

There were only three days left until the wedding.

The next day was the competition for Rong Xi's design department.

Sha Zhixing had not appeared in public with Rong Xi since the news two days ago. She was supposed to appear this time, but very early in the morning, the person in charge of taking the wedding photos came to the castle and asked them to choose the photos.

Luo Xichen had a lot of things to do, so it was naturally impossible for him to handle such trivial matters.

Sha Zhixing did not have the time to care, but when she thought of the wedding photos that the two of them would only take once in their lives, she decided to keep them.

Luo xichen brought the design to the company and handed it over to he simu.

When they entered the design department, everyone in the department was there. Their eyes were fixed on him, and there were all kinds of emotions in their eyes. They were amazed, amazed, surprised, and sympathetic... ...

The sympathy was naturally directed at Sha Zhixing's scandal. Only second young Master Shao, who had always been admired by others, had received sympathy from others because of this scandal for the first time.

Luo Xichen was very disdainful of the eyes of the group. He did not even look at the random people, and turned to leave.

Just as he was about to reach the door, he simu's voice suddenly rang out. "Miss Sha is not here today? "

"Yes, " Luo Xichen replied calmly.

"It's the design department's competition today! " He SIMU's voice sounded a little surprised.

"She has already submitted her design. " Luo Xichen's tone was still as cold as ever.

"But... " he simu seemed to be a little hesitant.

"What's wrong? " Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her in confusion.

He Simu was silent for a while before she spoke slowly "Ever since the last change in the design department, I've been thinking about it in private for a long time. I've been thinking about what I can do to stop this phenomenon. I've discussed it with a few higher-ups and they've decided that in the future, all the contestants must participate in the competition in person. Otherwise... ". ... ..."

After a pause, she suddenly raised her head and said, "consider it an automatic elimination! "

Luo Xichen's brows furrowed after she said that and his eyes darkened.

He simu looked at him and said tentatively, "the chairman agreed with me. This is not only a test of the quality of the design, but also a test of the professional quality of the designer. Young Master Luo, do you think I'm right? "

Everyone in the design department was present. Many of them nodded in agreement. Some of them even began to whisper, "although she's rumored to be the future young Madam, she shouldn't be so independent just because of her special status, should she? "

"shouldn't she lead by example the more she is at the top? " Another designer chimed in.

"Yeah, she knew that there was a competition today, but she didn't even show up. Maybe she doesn't mind at all! "

"That's true. She is going to be the young Madam in the future. Why would she care about such a small job? "

There were hundreds of people in the design department alone. There was a lot of discussion in the group. However, since Luo Xichen was present, no one dared to speak too loudly. The volume of their voices was deliberately suppressed.

However, how could Luo Xichen not recognize her sharp ears?

After that, his handsome face became darker and darker, and his cold eyes were filled with Frost. He really wanted to say "shut up" and throw a punch at the group of people. However, considering the attitude of the people towards Sha Zhixing in the future.. This was the first time that Luo Xichen had adopted a silent attitude in front of the employees.