Chapter 547

He simu observed his reaction and asked innocently, "Young Master Luo, did I do something wrong? "

Luo Xichen pursed his lips coldly and did not speak.

He simu looked at him quietly, the corners of her lips curling up.

There were many people in the design department, but there was not a single one who was sincerely helping Sha Zhixing.

A large part of the reason was because of the previous scandal. Outsiders could only see the surface, so naturally, the surface determined the person. Ordinary people did not like those kinds of scandals to cause a storm of women in the city.

Moreover, he simu usually treated people well. Although she was the director of the design department, she had never lost her temper with anyone. There were many people in the Department who defended her.

Whenever she spoke or put forward a proposal, the approval rating was usually very high.

Luo Xichen did not speak for a long time after he SIMU's words.

He did not know about the new rule, and no one had mentioned it to him. He was probably busy preparing for the wedding when he simu brought it up, and was not present at all.

Sha Zhixing must not have known about this, otherwise she would not have come.

He could openly protect her, but in this situation, if he protected her, he would undoubtedly be making her a public enemy, which would not be good for her social relations in the future.

If he did not protect her, if she was eliminated from the design department's competition, she would have to withdraw from Rong Xi!

Sha Zhixing had already left Rong Xi the last time. Luo Xichen did not want the same thing to happen again!

After a moment of silence, Luo Xichen weighed the pros and cons and said in a neutral tone, "let's start the competition now. We will decide on Zhixing's matter later. "

"Alright, I'll go and prepare it right away. " He simu smiled. She was very cooperative with his arrangements.

The competition in the design department would be held in Rong Xi's office in half an hour. All the designers would be present, except for Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing could not go on stage to explain her creativity because she was not there yet. She was not even qualified to participate in the competition.

The competition ended four hours later. It had been a busy morning.

In the morning, Sha Zhixing chose a few photos from her home and made them into frames. She also destroyed some of the ugly photos of her and came to the company in the afternoon before work.

She had not heard anything about the design department and Luo Xichen did not tell her.

When she arrived at Rong Xi's office, Luo Xichen called her to his office before she entered the department.

"I'm going to work later. What's wrong? " Sha Zhixing was confused.

Luo Xichen looked at her and hesitated whether he should tell her the truth.

He knew how much Sha Zhixing valued design. If she did not handle this matter properly, it would affect her greatly.

He could not let her go back to the design department at this time. He did not want her to face so many people's criticisms.

"What happened? " Sha Zhixing had a bad feeling when he looked at her like that.

"Help me tidy up the pile of documents here. " Luo Xichen came back to his senses and threw the pile of documents in his hands into her hands as if nothing had happened. He changed the topic skillfully.

He needed some time to seriously think about how to solve this problem.

"Why me? " Sha Zhixing muttered a little sadly.

She was a designer now. He had a lot of assistants. Why was it her turn?

Her heart was in turmoil, but she walked away with the papers in her arms.