Chapter 570: Don't mess with her

They went back to the Luo family at top speed. When they entered the house, they bumped into Wen lan.

They looked at each other's hands and frowned. They had guessed what Luo Xichen was going to do and wanted to say something. However, after thinking about it, they had to face it eventually, so they did not stop him.

When Luo Xichen entered the House with Sha Zhixing, he happened to see Luo Xichen coming down from upstairs. The person who was supporting him was a servant, and Luo Rongci was not beside him.

When he saw the two of them, his eyes first glanced at the hands of Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing, then slowly shifted to their faces. He was stunned for a moment, and his eyes seemed a little confused.

"GRANDPA! " Luo Xichen called out to him. He did not let go of Sha Zhixing's hand, but took her step by step towards Luo Yi.

"What's wrong? " Luo Yi was a little surprised to see him talking to him in such a serious tone.

Luo Xichen slowly raised Sha Zhixing's hand, his eyes locked on his eyes, and said slowly, "last night, I was going to tell you about me and zhixing. Zhixing and I have been dating for a long time, and we are engaged! "

Luo Yi's eyes were fixed on Luo Yi as he spoke. He was quietly observing Luo Yi's expression, ready to deal with the situation at any moment.

Luo Yi's mind went blank for a few seconds after hearing Luo Yi's words, but he was not as shocked as he had expected.

After half a minute of silence, the old man spoke slowly, "is what you said true? ''

Luo xichen raised his eyebrows slightly and asked expressionlessly, "does grandfather think that I'm joking right now? "

Luo Yi was silent for a while after his words, and his tone suddenly became heavier "What you said is true. Then, what about the day after you came back to the country and the scandal with so many other women? Luo Xichen, I've warned you, you can play with women, but don't provoke Zhixing! She's not from the same world as you! "

He almost shouted out the last few words, and his voice was very loud. His bad temper was completely revealed, and Sha Zhixing's mind was in a mess as she listened.

Grandfather had always looked at Xichen this way?

He thought that Luo Xichen was treating her... ... Just for fun ? ?

Luo Xichen did not expect that he would look like this in grandfather Luo's eyes. He wanted to explain, but grandfather Luo did not listen to him. He turned around and let the servants help him up the stairs.

"GRANDFATHER! " Luo xichen wanted to call out to him, but grandfather Luo did not even turn his head. He even walked a little fast, as if he was a little angry.

"Zhixing, wait for me. " Luo xichen kicked the table and chair beside him a little impatiently. He comforted Sha Zhixing lightly, let go of her hand, and strode upstairs.

When he entered the room, Luo Xichen was drinking medicine with the help of the servants.

His blood pressure was a little high and he had a bad temper. It was easy for him to fall ill when he was agitated.

Luo Xichen stood at the door and watched him for a while. He only came to Luo Xichen's side after he had calmed down and said slowly, "GRANDPA, I'm serious about Zhixing. GRANDPA only saw my past scandals, but he did not see me after I got together with Zhixing. So, isn't it a little biased to make such an arbitrary conclusion? "

The media deliberately smeared the news, and Luo Xichen was powerless to explain.

Luo Yi was his own grandfather, and Luo Xichen only wanted to try and talk to him properly, hoping that he would understand.

���� Digression

Today was the climax