Chapter 571: Luo Xichen's past

Luo Yi slowly raised his head after his words. His eyes swept over Luo xichen's face inch by inch, carefully reading every single look in his eyes.

Luo Xichen's expression was very serious. Luo Yi had never seen him like this before.

He had been living abroad with Luo Rongci all these years. In fact, he knew more about Luo Rongci. As for Luo Xichen, he had only occasionally learned about him through some news or Wen Lan's words, or when he had come to Northern Ireland The two of them had a short exchange.

That was why he had understood Luo Xichen so well just now.

However, seeing him now, Luo Yi's impression of him was shaken.

However, he had witnessed how Special Luo Rongci was to Sha Zhixing with his own eyes.

Sha Zhixing was the only woman that Luo Rongci had treated specially so far. Luo Yi could imagine her position in his heart.

Luo Yi closed his eyes helplessly at the thought of Luo Rongci.

It was not until a long while later that he slowly said something "I don't know about you and Zhixing, but think about Rongci! Think about how he was injured back then, and how he was tortured for so many years. Now that he has finally fallen in love with someone, will you fight with him? "

His tone had changed from his previous domineering and domineering tone. It was very calm, helpless, and even a little sad.

A few words made Luo Xichen's pupils suddenly shrink, and his eyes lost focus bit by bit... ...

In the eyes of the outside world, Luo Xichen had been living in a glamorous life since he was young. He had grown up with a golden spoon in his mouth, and had never had to worry about food or clothing. He had always been a rich man, and everything had gone so smoothly. He was like the favored child of God, and had not even experienced any storms.

However, few people knew that Luo Xichen had had a very serious accident many years ago. He had almost lost his life in that incident.

The incident had been caused by a kidnapping. He had been kidnapped at that time. He was still young at that time and his self-defense was not that strong. He had not been able to escape after being taken away by the gangsters.

Just as he was about to leave the main road outside the Luo family with his car, Luo RONGCI suddenly ran out. He had been chasing after the shadow of the car ever since he found out about Luo Xichen's accident. He had wanted to help Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen could not forget Rong Ci at that time. He was only that young, but he was so stubborn in trying to save Luo Xichen with his meager strength. In the end, he was even taken away with him.

Then, the two of them were taken into an empty factory.

After the kidnappers left, the two brothers climbed out of the window. However, when they came to the side of the road, they were discovered when they stopped a car.

Then, the car they were in was chased by a group of people. The car was rammed crazily until it finally capsized.

A second before the accident, Luo Rongci fell on Luo Xichen and took most of the attack on himself.

When the people sent by the family rushed over, both of them were already unconscious. Luo RONGCI's leg had been stuck for a long time at that time. He was also injured that time.

This incident happened when the two of them were very young. Luo Xichen was the cause of most of Luo RONGCI's injuries.

Luo Xichen also had a deeper affection for Luo Rongci after that incident.

Luo RONGCI's injuries had yet to recover... ...

Luo Xichen fell silent after Luo Yi's words. He did not say a word for a long time.

The room was dead silent until a voice suddenly sounded. "Grandfather! "