Chapter 572: A big gamble

The familiar voice startled the two people in the room at the same time. They looked in the direction of the door.

Luo rongci stood outside the door. His eyes were still as indifferent as the wind and water. His face was as cold as snow. There was not much expression on his face.

And standing next to him was... ... Sha Zhixing ! !

The shock on Luo Xichen's face when he saw Sha Zhixing was even more obvious than when he saw Luo Rongci. He looked at her in a daze. His lips moved with difficulty, but he found it difficult to even say a word.

Obviously, the two people at the door had heard what he and Luo Yi had said.

Sha Zhixing did not even look at the other people in the room. She just locked his eyes and read all the emotions in his eyes. Her eyes slowly became dim.

Luo Xichen's eyes were very confused. There was heartache, pain, helplessness, and struggle... ...

Had He wavered?

Sha Zhixing felt as if she had been poured a bucket of ice under his gaze. She was completely chilled from head to toe.

Without saying anything, she turned and slowly walked towards the spiral staircase.

Luo Xichen looked at her back quietly and wanted to pull her back. However, when he saw Luo Rongci standing beside her, he found it hard to step forward.

Sha Zhixing did not look behind her. She walked downstairs without looking back. After that, she did not appear at the Luo family for the next few days.

An Xin knew that something had happened to her, but she did not know what had happened.

However, when she saw that Luo Xichen did not come, she guessed that the two of them must have had a conflict.

Sha Zhixing stayed in her room alone for three days. She did not explain anything to her family about the two of them.

Luo Xichen never showed up.

If it was before, he would have come to see her every two days if they had a conflict. But this time, it had been three days and he had not even shown up at the Sha family home.

He had not called her once.

Sha Zhixing had picked up her phone and looked at the empty phone records many times. Every time she looked at them, her heart would turn cold.

On the fourth day, she accidentally heard some news about him from an Xin. She said that he and Luo Rongci were going to have a race at the Royal Racecourse.

An Xin sounded very confused when she said this. Luo Rongci had an old injury, and horse racing was such a dangerous thing. If something happened, the consequences would be very serious.

What she was even more confused about was that the two brothers were clearly very close. Why would they suddenly start a race.

Sha Zhixing stood at the spiral staircase of her house and listened quietly to her words. She lowered her eyes and thought to herself for a while. Suddenly, she ran out of the door with large strides.

"Zhixing, where are you going? " An Xin called out worriedly from behind.

However, Sha Zhixing did not seem to hear her. She left the House and drove towards the Royal Racecourse.

When they arrived, Luo Xichen and Luo Rongci were both there. Grandfather Luo and Luo Enqi were also there.

Sha Zhixing walked into the venue step by step. Her expression was as wooden as a doll that could move.

Wen Lan did not notice her. She complained, "did Xichen or Rong Ci come up with this idea? Do these two want to die? Dad, how can you agree to this? "

"What can I do? " Luo Yi felt helpless after hearing her words.

Both of them were his grandsons. How could he force Xichen to let go?

Competition was the fairest way... ...