Chapter 574: Turning the world upside down

Sha Zhixing had left, and no one knew where she had gone.

Luo Xichen had been looking for her for a long time after he had returned from the royal racecourse. He had almost turned city c upside down, but he had not found any trace of her.

He had also been to the Sha family. An Xin and Sha Nanfeng had given him the same answer, and neither of them knew where Zhixing was.

However, compared to the warmth she had shown him before, an Xin's attitude this time was clearly much colder.

This change made Luo Xichen feel that she knew something, but an Xin's answer had always been "nothing. ".

Whether it was Zhi Xing's departure or an Xin's change, it was too sudden for Luo Xichen. He did not even know the reason for all of this.

After going to the Sha family six or seven times without any results, Luo Xichen turned around and was about to leave when an Xin's voice suddenly sounded behind him. "Zhi Xing went to the royal racecourse once before she left home. "

Her words made Luo Xichen's back, which was facing her, stiffen and his spine went cold.

Why did no one tell him about this?

She had seen everything?

In fact, he did not want Sha Zhixing to know about this competition. He was afraid that she would think too much of it.

If he had dealt with this matter without her knowing anything, it would have been the best solution.

However, she had gone to the racecourse. This was something Luo Xichen had not expected.

"Thank you, Auntie! " Luo Xichen was lost in thought for a while after an Xin's words. He turned his head and gave her a respectful look. Then, he ran out of the house.

After he left the house, Luo Xichen had sent many people to search for her. He went around the city a few times and even went to the immigration control center to check the records, but there was still no news.

It was as if Sha Zhixing had disappeared from the world without a trace.

She had left just like that.

This made Luo Xichen a little uneasy.

He was very clear about Zhixing's character. If she was really hurt, she would not argue with him. Instead, she would turn around and walk out of his world.

She was such a strong-willed person.

What Made Luo Xichen uneasy was how long she was planning to leave for How many days A month A year Or How many years?

Luo Xichen's nerves were about to explode at the thought of this.

He drove the sports car along all the roads that she might have taken. When he passed by a square, the TV outside the square was broadcasting the advertisements for the 1314 series.

It was a pure white and beautiful style. Luo Xichen was the chief surgeon, and Sha Zhixing was the designer of the jewelry series. Every scene was about her and him, both when they were young and recently.

Luo Xichen looked through the car window at the huge television screen. His eyes were lost for a moment.

The advertisement on the screen continued to repeat itself. Sha Zhixing smiled sweetly in the camera. Her smile was very pure and gave people the feeling that it was like the warmth of the world's sunshine. At the end of the advertisement, there was a line of advertisement "I only care about you, Rong Xi 1314, the two little unguessed series. "

Luo Xichen parked the car by the side of the road and stared at the advertisement for a long time. His eyes hurt a little. Then, he turned the car around and started looking around the city again.

However, many, many days later, there was still no news about Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing had completely left his world... ...