Chapter 575, Phoebe

One year later.

A month ago, the international design community had a name called Phoebe. It was a very pleasant English name, derived from the ancient Greek Goddess of the Moon, Phoebe.

To the fashion industry, this was a brand new name. Before this, no one had heard of this woman, and everyone was unfamiliar with this name.

However, at the coming of age ceremony of little Princess Su Linna in country y a month ago, when Princess Su Linna wore a crystal crown and walked into the banquet hall, almost everyone's eyes fell on the crystal crown. From that moment on, everyone knew the name Phoebe.

A stunning crown decorated the coming of age ceremony of Little Princess Su Linna, and also made the designer Phoebe famous.

From that night onwards, this name was like a whirlwind, rapidly sweeping across the European countries, and even the entire design world!

No one knew who Phoebe was. They only heard that she was very, very young, and it was rumored that she had learned from the most influential figure of the younger generation in the design world, the French Genius Designer Shi Qinuo.

Those who knew a little about jewelry design knew that Shi Qinuo had a weird personality. He had only taken in two disciples. One was the former Sha Zhixing, and the other was the current Phoebe.

The two of them had a common characteristic. At present, few people could surpass their talent in design, and both of them were amazing.

However, Sha Zhixing had disappeared from the design world a year ago. After that, no one had heard of anything about her. Phoebe's momentum was at its peak, and her future was limitless.

There were many speculations about Phoebe in the outside world. The media tried to flesh out this new designer, but every time, they failed.

The power of the media was limitless. However, after so much effort, they still couldn't find any information about this new designer. There was only one possibility in this situation -- the support behind Phoebe was too strong It blocked everyone's clues.

In fact, this kind of speculation wasn't strange. An unknown designer, who had never even heard of her name before, had the opportunity to design a crystal crown for a country's princess at her coming of age ceremony Many senior designers could not get such an opportunity, but a newcomer got it. One could imagine Phoebe's background.

Rong Xi Building, C city.

Luo Xichen was sitting on the Sofa in his office, holding a magazine in his hand. His eyes were fixed on a certain crystal crown printed on it. He looked at it quietly, and there was a small ripple in the bottom of his eyes.

He was too picky and rarely found works that could move him. However, when he saw the crystal crown, his heart seemed to be moved by a willow branch. He took out his cell phone and called he simu "Help me find the designer of the crystal crown at Princess Su Linna's coming of age ceremony. I'll try my best to poach it from him! "

After giving a brief explanation, he hung up the phone and called Shi Qinuo again.

He had called Shi Qinuo many times in the past year. He would ask him about Sha Zhixing from time to time to see if he could get some information from him. However, it was futile every time.

Shi qinuo seemed to be driving when he received his call. His words were very concise. "What's the matter? "

"When did you take in another disciple? " Luo Xichen cut straight to the point.