Chapter 584: Being reckless

Mu Siyan only mentioned that he seemed to have seen Sha Zhixing, and his tone was very uncertain. However, Luo Xichen acted very quickly. After leaving C city by plane that day, he appeared in Paris the next day.

After arriving, Luo Xichen did not even look for a place to stay. He directly contacted Mu Siyan and the two of them arranged to meet at a coffee shop.

"where did you see her? " His voice sounded a little anxious when they met.

Mu Siyan casually sat down on a chair, his long legs lazily crossed. He looked at Mu Siyan from the corner of his eyes and looked at him lazily. Then, he said something that almost drove Luo Xichen mad.

"It's just a resemblance, " he said. "I asked around about the organizers for you last night. They don't know who she is. They only know that she is a friend of Princess Su Linna and Leis. She might have gone back to country y with them by now. "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier yesterday? " Luo Xichen looked at him coldly and said.

If he had known earlier, he would have been in country Y instead of here!

"I was just guessing. Have a cup of tea to calm the fire. " Mu Siyan smiled and slowly poured a cup of tea for Luo Xichen and handed it to him.

Luo Xichen was frustrated. He took the Cup of tea from Mu Siyan and drank it in one gulp. He held the exquisite white jade teacup between his fingers as he reflected on Mu Siyan's words. His expression suddenly softened.

If they were friends of Su Linna and Leis, it would be difficult to deal with them?

Both of them were members of the royal family. If they left, the media would definitely report about them without mentioning that they could be found at the immigration center.

Luo Xichen sat down on his chair and calmly picked up a copy of today's newspaper to read.

The newspaper was full of all kinds of news about various walks of life. There was not a single mention of Su Linna and leis returning to China.

Luo Xichen flipped through it and the corners of his lips could not help but curl up

The fact that the news did not mention them meant that the two of them had not left yet.

Since they had not left, as long as they could find these two people, it would not be difficult to find the person that Mu Siyan mentioned who looked like zhixing... ...

At this moment, a classic scene that would be staged every time Prince Leis visited Eli Castle was playing out.

"Phoebe, do you like white roses or Red Roses? "

"Phoebe, let's have breakfast together later? "

"Phoebe, would you like to go to the champs-elysees with us today? "

Sha Zhixing walked in front while Leis followed behind, constantly chasing after her footsteps. There were a lot of questions, and his hands were also trying to reach her shoulders.

However, just as he raised his head and did not touch her body, Sha Zhixing nimbly avoided him.

She took a few steps back and walked to a safer distance from him. Sha Zhixing tugged at the corner of her lips and rejected his words one by one. "Leis, I don't like red roses or white roses. I LIKE POPPIES! "

"As for breakfast, I've already used it before you came. "

"I still have a design class to attend on the champs-elysees. I don't have time. "

After saying a few words, she turned around and left.

Leis wanted to follow, but Su Linna suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

She placed her hand on his arm intimately and the little girl's voice was sweet. "brother, I like red roses as well as white roses. GIVE THEM TO ME! Also, I want to go shopping on the champs-elysees today. Shall I accompany you? "

Leis was speechless