Chapter 585: Do not disturb unauthorized personnel

Su Linna looked at him with her big green eyes, smiling. Her eyes were even filled with anticipation.

"Go, what are you doing, girl? " The corner of Leis' lips twitched speechlessly. His big hand savagely ruffled her hair, and he quickly followed in the direction where Sha Zhixing had disappeared. "Phoebe, wait for me! "

After Sha Zhixing got rid of Leis, she went straight upstairs to look for Shi Qinuo.

For the past year, she would take a part of her time out every day to focus on studying jewelry design. She studied very seriously, which was the main reason why she was able to amaze the design world.

No one's success was a coincidence, and she was the same. Without this year's accumulation, she would not have become the person she was today.

"today, I'll try the design of the national style. " Shi qinuo placed a thick magazine in front of her and began to guide her.

Sha Zhixing casually flipped through the magazine and looked at the colorful designs on it. The tip of the pen tapped on her head and she pondered for a while. Just as she was preparing to draw, Leis' high-decibel voice suddenly sounded outside the door, "Phoebe, where are you? "

The sudden voice caused the expressions of the two people in the room to change at the same time.

Leis was not an annoying person. Sha Zhixing only felt that he was too clingy. That kind of feeling was like that of a child who would not grow up. The moment he appeared, she would have a headache.

On the other hand, Shi Qinuo's personality had always been quiet. He was very disgusted by his noise. When he heard the voice, his face sank.

"Wait for me for a while. " Then, he instructed Sha Zhixing and walked towards the door step by step.

Leis was running in the corridor, looking here and there. Outside the door, he saw Sha Zhixing in the room. Just as he was about to break in, Shi Qinuo's body suddenly appeared in front of him.

His long legs stepped towards the center of the door and stretched out an arm. Shi Qinuo unceremoniously ordered him to leave, "Phoebe is in class now. Don't disturb anyone else! "

Shi Qinuo had always been cold to people, so naturally, he would not treat leis well. He did not care whether he was the crown prince or not. As long as he was unhappy, he would directly chase him away.

This was Shi Qinuo, he did as he pleased, cold and proud.

"I have to go back in two days. Shi, can you let me talk to her? " Leis did not care about his cold face, he smiled cheekily and pushed his arm to the side. Then, he walked past him into the House and sat beside Sha Zhixing.

That feeling was as if he was air.

Soon after, only the Voice of a certain highness was left in the house, "Phoebe, let's go to the champs-elysees Avenue! Let's go, let's go, let's go... "

The room was very large, and when they spoke, their voices seemed a little empty.

Sha Zhixing only felt a buzzing sound in her ears, and the entire room was filled with leis'voice. Hearing it made her head spin, not to mention calming her mind to think about it.

Beside her, Shi Qinuo's face suddenly turned Pale, and he stared coldly at Leis, wishing that he could just pinch him and throw him out.

"Phoebe, since you can't continue drawing anyway, why don't we go together! " Seeing that she hadn't started writing for a long time, Leis continued to ask, without any intention of reflecting on himself.

I can't draw because of you!

Sha Zhixing was in a dilemma.

Seeing that she was silent, Leis thought that she was thinking and continued to persuade her, "we'll only go for one morning and then come back! "

"Just one morning, we agreed! " Sha Zhixing was annoyed by his pestering and walked out of the house in front of him.

Leis happily followed her out of the door... ...