Chapter 610 left in a hurry

For the first time, Sha Zhixing realized the benefits of wearing high heels, such as now.

After stepping on the back of Luo Xichen's foot again, she turned her eyes to the night view of the garden not far away, her face calm and composed.

Luo Xichen had been indulging her little movements from the beginning to the end, the corners of his lips curled up into a smile. The way he looked at her was so gentle that water could seep out of it.

He could tell that Sha Zhixing did not mean to step on Lys the first few times, but stepping on him was 200% intentional.

However, he felt that she was better than her cold and indifferent self.

It was supposed to be a beautiful and romantic tango, but it turned out to be a secret battle between the two of them. However, Luo Xichen had been blocking Sha Zhixing's body the whole time. Everyone could only see her leaving his arms They could not see their little movements when they were stuck together.

Although they were fighting like a pair of kissing fish, none of the guests could tell that there was something wrong with them.

The two of them looked so well-matched, with mysterious oriental colors and exquisite facial features. No matter how one looked at it, it was an eye-catching combination.

All in all, the tango was beautifully performed.

At the end of the dance, Sha Zhixing looked up at Luo Xichen and nodded at him. In the eyes of outsiders, it was just a polite farewell, but when she turned around.. She kicked him hard on the back of his foot again.

She turned around and wanted to leave, but before she could take a step, he pulled her wrist and pulled her back to him.

"Let go! " Sha Zhixing growled at him angrily.

Luo Xichen ignored her and put one hand on her waist. He carried her to the center of the dance floor again.

He looked at the staff in the corner lazily and signaled with his eyes. The music changed to a lively tango -- the last tango in Paris.

There wasn't a hint of sadness in the continuous music. The melody of the whole song was more lively and lively. The atmosphere in the venue was also changed after that.

Luo Xichen's eyes were always on her face. There was a delicate gentleness and a hint of doting look in his eyes. It was a little intoxicating.

Many people around were guessing the relationship between the two.

However, the two eastern faces were not familiar to the blonde westerners. The appearance of the two added a layer of mystery to today's dinner.

"The last tango in Paris" was still going on.

Luo Xichen had not let go of Sha Zhixing's hand since he held it.

Sha Zhixing had cooperated with Luo Xichen in the beginning, considering that they were being stared at by so many pairs of eyes. However, she gradually became more and more uneasy.

What if he refused to let go of her tonight? would she have to cooperate with him all the time?

Sha Zhixing glanced at the people around her from the corner of her eyes and quietly looked for a solution to the problem.

She saw his legs and wanted to attack him when he was not expecting it. However, before she could move, Luo Xichen's hand grabbed her hand and led her out of the lawn in large strides.

The scene was in an uproar.

"where are you taking her? " Su Linna called out worriedly from behind.

Luo Xichen ran out of the lawn with Sha Zhixing as if he didn't hear her. They left the castle at a high speed... ...