Chapter 611: Young Master Shao, are you trying to cheat me

Shi Qinuo stood on the lawn and watched the two of them leave quietly. His eyes dimmed, but he did not stop them.

Leis did not know Luo Xichen. He wanted to chase after them, but he was blocked by Shi Qinuo before he could take two steps forward.

"Shi, Phoebe was taken away by that person! " Leis did not understand why he was standing there so indifferently. He looked a little excited.

"Go do your thing. You should have a lot of social events tonight. " Shi Qinuo did not explain anything. He just pushed him towards the crowd behind him.

"Shi... " Leis did not understand his actions. He was the one who protected Phoebe the most Why was he just watching her leave with a strange man?

"Alright, everyone is watching. " Shi Qinuo did not say much. He turned around and started chatting with a friend, acting as if nothing had happened.

It was not that he did not care, but he did not see Sha Zhixing's struggle!

If she did not want to leave, he would have stopped Luo Xichen at all costs. However, he did not see any displeasure on her face from the scene just now.

Luo Xichen forced Sha Zhixing out of the castle and dragged her to his car.

She thought of getting into the car with Luo Xichen, but her hand suddenly broke free from his wrist.

"Let go! " Sha Zhixing said coldly. She looked at him coldly and took a few steps back.

Luo xichen narrowed his eyes and watched her movements. His eyes darkened.

Sha Zhixing only glanced at him and turned to go straight to her car.

When she got to the car, she opened the door and was about to get into the car when Luo Xichen got in before her.

He was so fast that he was even faster than her.

"Let's go! " He looked at her lazily and said casually.

Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly and her hand that was propped on the door slowly dropped down.

She smirked and said sarcastically, "what? Is Second Young Master Shao Cheating? "

"Does it matter? " Luo Xichen looked at her disdainfully and stretched his neck. He leaned against the passenger seat and closed his eyes.

"Luo Xichen, GET DOWN! " Sha Zhixing looked at him with anger. She walked to the passenger seat and wanted to "invite" him out of the car. However, Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist Then, he pulled..

Sha Zhixing was caught off guard. She fell into his arms unsteadily and buried her head between his legs.

One move made her back stiffen, and her face stiffened for a few seconds.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her into his arms. His arms slowly tightened, and he pulled Sha Zhixing into the car.

"Luo Xichen, let go of me! " She was a little angry. She hit him a few times and tried to break free, but Luo Xichen just refused to let her go. He even lifted her body up with his arms He pressed her head close to his chest.

The Hug, which had been separated for a year, was warm and familiar to him. There was also a light breeze in his arms. It was a little intoxicating.

However, Sha Zhixing's limbs were stiff. She wanted to kick him under the car.

She raised her hand and was about to resist when Luo Xichen grabbed her wrist... ...