Chapter 614 was about to destroy both jade and stone

Sha Zhixing was frustrated and she knocked on the door.

The door made a dull sound, but there was still no sign of it being opened.

Sha Zhixing stared at the door for a long time and turned around helplessly.

She leaned against the door and looked at him from the corner of her eyes. "Is Second Young Master Shao under house arrest? " She asked sarcastically

Luo Xichen did not take her words seriously.

If he could, he really wanted to keep her by his side!

However, he did not want to do that to her.

What he wanted to tie up was her heart... ...

Sha Zhixing did not want to see him. She turned around and walked step by step to the SOFA next to her. She hugged her knees and sat on it. Her eyes were staring out of the clean French window.

Luo Xichen's bedroom was very large. It was a pure European design. Outside the window was the garden of the villa. Sitting on the Sofa, one could see the garden.

It was a beautiful garden. There were many plants that Sha Zhixing could not name. They were probably very rare and she had never seen them before. There was also a fountain in the garden. In Front of the fountain, there was a milky-white sculpture of the goddess of the Moon It stood in the middle of the Fountain, surrounded by the Fountain water. It was very beautiful and dreamy.

The scenery in the garden was very beautiful, but Sha Zhixing was not in the mood to enjoy it.

She looked at the scenery in the garden, lost in thought. All she could think about was how to leave this place.

This was her first time in this villa and she was completely unfamiliar with it. The most ironic thing was that she could not even open the door!

Luo Xichen walked towards her quietly from the side of the door. He sat down on the Sofa next to her and pulled her into his arms.

Sha Zhixing's body froze for a moment. She twisted in his arms and tried to push him away. However, Luo Xichen picked her up and placed her between his legs.

He had done this kind of intimate action before.

Sha Zhixing was stunned for a moment. She came back to her senses and pushed him away.

Her body shrank to the farthest end of the SOFA from him. Her eyes were filled with disgust.

Luo Xichen was angered by her look. He leaned his slender body towards her and pulled her into his arms. He pushed her against the back of the Sofa behind him and pressed his body on her. He touched the hem of her clothes and was about to rip them off.

However, just as he made his move, Sha Zhixing's cold voice suddenly rang out. "You dare to force me? We will burn together! "

Her voice was very cold. As she said this, she lifted her sharp Chin proudly. Her Fair neck was exposed in Luo Xichen's sight. It was so white that it was dazzling.

Luo Xichen stared at her and looked at her slender neck. He suddenly had the urge to strangle her to death.

The two of them stared at each other. One of them had a cold expression on his face while the other had a dark expression on his face.

After a few minutes of stalemate, Sha Zhixing pushed him away, her toes touching the ground. She wanted to find another place to sit, but her wrist was suddenly pulled by someone from behind, and her delicate body fell onto the sofa.

Luo Xichen's tall body pressed down on her, and his thin lips covered hers forcefully... ...

His cold words slowly floated out from his lips. "It's not bad to be able to destroy both of us together! "

His words were very cold, and there was also a hint of evil in them. He stared at Sha Zhixing with a burning gaze, so hot that it almost destroyed her rationality... ...