Chapter 613 did not show any improvement

Sha Zhixing was relieved. She lifted her foot and kicked his leg. She wanted to get out of bed when he was in pain, but Luo Xichen grabbed her ankle from behind and pulled her slender body under him again.

Sha Zhixing lifted her wrist and was about to hit him, but Luo Xichen ignored her and let her fist land on his body. He pressed his body on her and held her in his arms. His gaze moved slowly on her face.

His gaze was a little cold and hot. He moved very slowly and did not let go of any inch of her skin. It was as if he wanted to see through her.

Sha Zhixing's face was full of his hot breath. Her skin was itchy and she wanted to turn her head away. Just as she moved, Luo Xichen held her chin and turned her face back.

Sha Zhixing was angry. She suddenly pointed her knee at a certain part of his body and pushed him.

Luo Xichen's eyes darkened. He controlled her leg at the right time and his face stiffened.

"If you continue to be so agitated, we will change the way we communicate! " He growled at her coldly, his large hand pressing down on her unruly leg and controlling it under his own leg.

His words were a clear warning. If this had happened in the past, this would have worked in front of Sha Zhixing.

However, she only looked at him coldly now, her face unmoved by his words.

The atmosphere was cold.

The two of them stood in a stalemate for a few seconds, and Sha Zhixing's cold voice slowly rang out. "You haven't improved a bit in the past year. Do you only know how to use such words to intimidate women? "

Her words were filled with absolute sarcasm.

The veins on Luo Xichen's forehead bulged a few times after she spoke, and his face immediately darkened.

Must this wretched girl be so vicious with her words?

Sha Zhixing's cold eyes met his face fearlessly, and there was not a trace of emotion in her eyes.

Luo Xichen's handsome face darkened under her gaze, and he gritted his teeth so hard that they made cracking sounds.

After a long moment of silence, he slowly said, one word at a time, "I can't tell if I've made any progress. Won't you know after experiencing it? "

She suddenly lowered her head and moved her thin lips towards Luo Xichen's.

However, Sha Zhixing turned her head to the side and avoided Luo Xichen's kiss.

Luo Xichen's kiss missed. He closed his eyes and held her chin with his fingertips. He wanted to turn her face away, but Sha Zhixing suddenly stood up and hit him hard with her head.


Their foreheads collided and there was a soft sound in the room. She hit Luo Xichen hard and his head went blank for a few seconds.

His eyes were locked on her forehead, which was also red. He wanted to touch her, but Sha Zhixing came out from under him and ran to the door with bare feet.

He came to the door and tried to open it. Just as his hand touched the DOORKNOB, Luo xichen suddenly appeared by the door.

He leaned Lazily to the side of the door. His eyes fell on her face and looked at her casually. He did not stop her.

Sha Zhixing was scared by his look. She turned to look at the closed door and kept turning the DOORKNOB. She tried a few times, but failed.

Luo Xichen leaned on the side with a lazy look on his face. He did not warn her or stop her.

Sha Zhixing glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. She looked at his lazy face and suddenly understood why he was so free.

He must have predicted that she would not be able to leave, right?