Chapter 632 life as a chip

Luo Xichen ignored her words and closed the bathroom door behind him.

The sound of running water could be heard in the room.

Sha Zhixing stood in the room and listened to the sound of running water. She looked in the direction of Luo Xichen's suitcase.

She had brought her change of clothes with her. What should she do if he refused to leave?

Should she move to another place?

Sha Zhixing lowered her eyes and began to think.

The incident at the Royal Racecourse was a grudge in her heart. She would not forget it so easily.

Luo Xichen was not a God. The two of them would occasionally have a small conflict in the past, but it would usually be over in a few days.

If they encountered a matter that was neither too big nor too small, Sha Zhixing would not hold it against him.

Some mistakes could be forgiven, but some mistakes could never be forgiven!

Luo Xichen's mistake this time was a death sentence in a relationship!

She was not a saint. She was not the kind of person who could pretend to not care about anything after being sold, and even stupidly count money for others... ...

The sound of water in the bathroom gradually died down.

Luo Xichen walked out of the room after a minute or two. His short hair was neatly cut and wet. He was holding a towel in his hand as he wiped his hair as he walked.

His slender legs came to the SOFA step by step. He sat up and looked at her sideways. "I'm done washing up. You should wash up and go to bed early. "

"Luo Xichen, this is trespassing. " Sha Zhixing looked at him coldly and reminded him without any expression on her face.

"then go ahead and sue him, " Luo Xichen replied lazily. His expression was calm and he did not seem to be bothered by what she said.

"when are you leaving? " Sha Zhixing asked coldly.

Luo xichen paused for a moment after she said that. He turned his head and looked at her slowly. His expression suddenly turned serious. "When will you be willing to leave with me? "

Sha Zhixing's cold gaze swept over his face inch by inch. She did not answer his question directly but asked him a question instead "Luo Xichen, how would you feel if one day I pushed you to another woman, or if I used you as a bargaining chip in a bet? "

There was no condemnation in her words. She spoke from the bottom of her heart, and her tone was very calm.

However, it was as if Luo Xichen's chest and heart had been cut open by a hand. It hurt a few times, and the color in his eyes slowly darkened.

The Room was silent.

Sha Zhixing looked at him quietly, and the corners of her lips curled up mockingly.

She turned around and went to the wardrobe, and found a more conservative nightgown. Just as she was about to walk into the bathroom, Luo Xichen's hand suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"Zhixing... " Luo Xichen called her name in a low voice. "Not all chips are cheap, and not all bets are child's play... "

"If you can solve our problem in that competition, I don't care about my life! "

He spoke very slowly. His voice was particularly Hoarse and bitter as he spoke. There was a tinge of pain in his eyes and a hint of helplessness in his tone.

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened after he spoke. She turned her head slowly and her eyes fixed on his face.

Luo Xichen slowly raised his lowered eyes and looked at her quietly. He wanted to touch her face, but Sha Zhixing nimbly avoided him before he could touch her face... ...