Chapter 633, Time Limit: One Minute

Luo Xichen's outstretched hand missed and froze in mid-air.

Sha Zhixing had tried to imagine the thousands of emotions he would have when he made the decision to compete, but she did not expect it to be like this. Her mind was also in a mess because of his words.

"I'm going to take a shower first. " She did not explain anything and went straight into the bathroom with her clothes in her arms.

The door of the bathroom had not been opened for an hour after she entered.

Sha Zhixing was soaking in the bathtub. She really wanted to filter Luo Xichen's words from her mind, but when she thought of his expression just now, her mind was in a mess again.

Luo Xichen sat in the bedroom and waited for her for a long time, but there was still no one there. He stood up in a few steps and started knocking on the bathroom door.

"Zhixing, come out! " He said in a cold voice with a Sullen face.

Sha Zhixing looked up at her still naked body and looked in the direction of the door. She was afraid that he would kick the door open and enter the room like before, and her eyes were a little confused. "Get out! "

Luo Xichen did not know what she was doing in there. He was afraid that she would catch a cold after soaking in the bathtub for a long time!

"I'll give you one minute to come out immediately. Otherwise... " Luo Xichen's handsome face was Sullen. He paused for a moment and added expressionlessly, "I don't mind coming in! "

Sha Zhixing's expression changed slightly. She wanted to get up immediately as he said.

However, she held back her impulse when she thought that this was her home.

He was the one who had forcefully moved in with her. She, the owner, had not even agreed to it yet. What right did he have to be such a hooligan?

"One! " Luo Xichen's countdown came from outside the door.

Sha Zhixing ignored him and washed her own.

"Two! " Luo Xichen's voice sounded again.

Sha Zhixing acted as if she had not heard him. She flushed the bubbles off her body, got out of the Bathtub, and began to change again.

"three! " Luo Xichen's voice continued outside the door.

There was no movement from inside the room.

Luo Xichen's eyes darkened.

He stared at the watch on his wrist. When the timer reached 60 seconds, he raised his toes and wanted to kick the door into the room, but the door was automatically pulled open.

Sha Zhixing was standing neatly at the door. She glanced at his face first, then turned to his arm.

Luo Xichen put one of his arms on the door and looked her up and down. He took the wet towel from her hand and dragged her to the SOFA.

He did not care whether she liked it or not. He pressed her down on the Sofa and rested his head on his leg. He lifted a small lock of her hair and began to dry her hair.

He did it naturally, but it made Sha Zhixing's body stiffen.

In fact, the two of them had done all these intimate things in the past, but Sha Zhixing always felt a little uncomfortable when she thought about certain things.

Luo xichen gently wiped her hair with his lips.

His movements were very gentle, and there was an indescribable gentleness in them. He was completely different from the man who had kicked the door rudely when he was standing outside the door. His eyes were like a deep spring, so deep that one would fall in love with him.

Sha Zhixing looked up and her gaze fell quietly on his face. She was a little absent-minded when she thought of what he had just said.

Luo Xichen suddenly stopped what he was doing when he felt Sha Zhixing's gaze on him. He lowered his eyes and stared at Sha Zhixing's face. He suddenly put the towel aside and put his hands on Sha Zhixing's face Luo Xichen leaned over and pressed his lips on Sha Zhixing's lips under Sha Zhixing's fierce gaze... ...