Chapter 635: Let's start again

Luo Xichen was still a little strong. When he was hugging her soft body, his hands were still caressing her body. His lips were always curled up.

Sha Zhixing looked at his unruly hands and her face darkened.

Can't he see her expression?

It would be strange if Luo Xichen would act based on her expression!

He stole some Tofu from her body and stole some incense from her lips. He did not even look at her cold face. He picked her up and carried her to the bedside.

After they got on the bed, they were still in the same bear hug. Luo Xichen pressed her body against his and kissed her gently on the lips. His voice was soft and gentle. "GO TO SLEEP! "

His gentleness was rarely seen. However, Sha Zhixing did not appreciate his kindness.

She looked up at him and said expressionlessly, "this is my room! "

"What's the difference? " Luo Xichen raised his eyebrows and looked at her disdainfully.

"Did I promise you to sleep here? " Sha Zhixing asked coldly.

"Does a man need anyone's permission to sleep in his woman's bed? " Luo Xichen said Lazily.

"Luo Xichen, it's over! " Sha Zhixing reminded him expressionlessly.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and took a deep breath after she said that. He looked at her quietly with a helpless look in his eyes. "Zhixing, I've said everything I need to say about the horse farm. What are you still worried about? "

Sha Zhixing's face stiffened after he said that. She turned her back and looked out of the window.

She had suffered such a deep wound once. It would not be easy to heal it... ...

She had always known how he felt about Rong Ci. What she was afraid of was that if her grandfather still wanted her to marry Rong Ci, he would use her as a bargaining chip in the bet again?

The love that Sha Zhixing wanted had always been simple, but that did not mean that she could be used as a gift from others or a bargaining chip in the bet!

She had sealed her heart tightly and guarded it carefully before she agreed to Luo Xichen's date.

After that, she had opened her heart to him once, but he was the one who had hurt her the most!

Sha Zhixing's heart was numb now, and the heart of a person who had been hurt once was also very sensitive.

In order to prevent herself from getting hurt again, she had to carefully seal her heart.

It would not be just a few simple words that would make her love him as freely as before... ...

Luo Xichen sat up a little impatiently, lifted the sheets and got off the bed. He poured himself a glass of Red Wine and sat on the SOFA, casually shaking the wine glass with a heavy heart.

In fact, he could imagine how serious the damage that he had caused to Sha Zhixing and the Sha family was.

So, he did not complain about how cold Zhixing was to him after meeting her.

But what she did not know was that his heart hurt more than hers when he had hurt her!

They had grown up together and had been born for each other. Why did they end up like this?

Luo xichen drank the wine in his mouth impatiently. He took the bottle and poured himself another glass.

Sha Zhixing lay on the bed and looked at him quietly. She did not say anything or stop him.

Luo Xichen finished half of the bottle of wine by himself. He suddenly looked up and looked at her quietly on the bed. His expression suddenly became serious. "Zhixing, let's start again, shall we? "