Chapter 636 coercion and inducement

Sha Zhixing did not expect him to say this. She was stunned for a moment and looked at him in a daze.

Under the dim light, Luo Xichen's deep eyes were locked on her. There was a seriousness in his eyes that Sha Zhixing had never seen before.

He had actually thought about it for a long time before saying this.

What happened could not be changed. Even if he did not mean it, it was a mistake. He could only guarantee that in the future... ...

Sha Zhixing did not speak for a long time after he said this. She looked at him with a cold gaze that was not as warm as before.

Luo Xichen did not like the way she looked at him. However, he did not force her at this moment. He waited quietly for her answer.

Sha Zhixing remained silent. After about five or six minutes, her red lips moved slightly.

Luo Xichen looked at her without blinking and waited patiently for her words.

However, she said, "you sleep in the living room tonight. "

Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly, but he did not refute her words.

"I'll sleep in the living room tonight, " Sha Zhixing said and turned around with the pillow in her arms.

She did not say a word after that.

Luo Xichen sat in the room for a while, his eyes fixed on her back. He stared at her for a long time before he found a bed sheet in the closet and went out.

The door was closed gently... ...

One night, the two of them were safe and sound, one upstairs and one downstairs.

Sha Zhixing could not sleep last night. She woke up very late the next day. When she went downstairs, Luo Xichen was sitting in the dining room eating breakfast.

"MORNING! " He looked up at her on the stairs and greeted her. Luo Xichen took the knife and continued to cut the steak on his plate.

Sha Zhixing was surprised that he had woken up so early. She stood on the stairs and stared at him for a long time with a strange look in her eyes.

What surprised her even more was the food on the table. There were two sets of freshly fried steak, a few slices of toast, two plates of fruit, and two cups of milk.

It was very rich. At least, it was much richer than when Sha Zhixing made breakfast.

He made it?

Sha Zhixing stared at Luo Xichen with a strange look on her face for a long time. Her eyes were full of suspicion.

She had never seen him make any food since she knew him. The only time she had seen him do it was when she was at home. Her hand was injured and she had to force him to make it.

Sha Zhixing was completely surprised to see so many things on the table.

Luo Xichen looked much calmer than she was.

He put a small piece of beef into his mouth and looked at her. "You don't like such a sumptuous meal? How about a fruit salad next time? "

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at him and did not say anything. She went downstairs and sat in the chair opposite him.

She took a plate of steak and cut it casually. After eating two mouthfuls, she suddenly looked up. "Have you finished searching the only amount of food in the house? "

"I bought it to eat, didn't I? " Luo Xichen replied lazily.

"It's far from here to the city, " Sha Zhixing reminded her expressionlessly.

"Can't someone just make it delicious? What a chatterbox. " Luo Xichen stopped what he was doing and said in a slightly disdainful tone.

"I remember I didn't agree to let you stay here, " Sha Zhixing said faintly.

Luo Xichen was not angry at her words. The corners of his lips twitched as he looked at her and said casually, "Miss Sha, you'd better think about what I said last night. I think you know my style better than anyone else! "