Chapter 657 the legend of a hundred years without divorce

When Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing first went to Northern Ireland together, they had once told her that if they were to get married in the future, it would be better to go there.

The previous wedding had not been held there, mainly because the wedding date was too rushed and the entire wedding process was too tense.

Now, he had plenty of time!

Moreover, the two of them had many memories of that place, so the meaning of getting married there would be different.

As for the legend of a hundred years without divorce in Ireland, Luo Xichen did not know much about it.

Sha Zhixing followed behind him, admiring the scenery of the town as they walked.

The two of them walked one after the other into a forest.

Luo Xichen did not think much of the forest because he did not dislike quiet places.

Sha Zhixing was curious about Fontainebleau and did not pay much attention to it.

The two of them went in one after the other.

It was a very beautiful forest. There were many maple and birch trees. The ground was covered with fallen leaves of various colors, dyeing the entire forest with a tinge of color.

Luo Xichen was thinking about something, and he slowed down his footsteps.

Sha Zhixing looked around randomly, aimlessly.

Not long after, she walked past him and walked in front of him.

Luo Xichen's mind was filled with how to get her to go to Northern Ireland with him, so he did not pay much attention to her.

Sha Zhixing walked forward step by step. Her feet stepped on the fallen leaves and dead branches, making a slight creaking sound. It was somewhat clear in the empty forest.

The leaves on the ground were a little thick and heavy. The ground could not be seen. They were all stepping on the leaves.

After walking for a short distance, she suddenly lost her footing. A hole appeared on the ground under her gravity, and Sha Zhixing's slender body sank into it

"Ah! " The sudden situation was unexpected. Sha Zhixing let out a scream and grabbed a branch that was hanging down from a tree beside her in a panic.

However, the branch was too slender and could not withstand her strength. After being grabbed by her, it kept swaying, as if it could break at any time.

Sha Zhixing looked at the slender branch in her hand in panic. She gritted her teeth, wanting to escape before it broke. However, before she could make a move, she heard a "crunch" sound The twig broke and fell to the ground.

Everything happened in less than a minute. It was so fast that she could not react.

Sha Zhixing's expression changed. She left the ground and the leaves around her sank into the hole

Just as she was about to be buried, an arm suddenly reached out and grabbed her raised arm.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and saw that Luo Xichen was already at the entrance of the hole.

His face was a little Pale and there were a few drops of sweat on his forehead. It was obvious that he had run all the way here. He held her hand tightly and his body was lying in the cave. Most of his body had already reached out. The situation was not good He could fall at any time.

The impact of Sha Zhixing's fall was very strong. The two of them were still quite a distance away from each other. She could not imagine how Luo Xichen had managed to run all the way here in such a short time.

How much explosive power did he need to do that?

Sha Zhixing looked at him in a daze. Her eyes were fixed on the sweat on his forehead. She felt mixed emotions at that moment... ...