Chapter 658 second young master's evil scheme

Both of them were in a very dangerous situation. Luo Xichen did not have time to think. He tried to pull her up by hand, but Sha Zhixing had fallen down and he had lost most of his body.

As a result, he had just leaned forward a little when he fell down with her

"Luo Xichen... ah... "

There was a scream in the forest, and the surroundings returned to normal after that.

It was a very deep cave, like a trap for hunting beasts. However, it was a little deeper than the usual traps. The cave was spacious enough to accommodate the two of them.

The cave was covered with fallen leaves, which cushioned the fall.

Luo Xichen's body was on Sha Zhixing when he fell. He was 188 centimeters tall, which made Sha Zhixing look even smaller.

Sha Zhixing's mind was blank. Although she was cushioned when she fell, it was still painful to fall from such a high place. However, it would be more painful if she lost this layer of fallen leaves.

She turned her head and looked at the surroundings above her. Then, she suddenly turned to look at Luo Xichen.

Luo Xichen's head was leaning against her face. They were very close to each other. Their faces were very pale. Their thick long eyelashes were gently closed as if they were asleep.

However, at such a close distance, Sha Zhixing could not hear his breathing... ...

"Luo Xichen! " Sha Zhixing called out softly. She frowned.

Luo Xichen leaned quietly beside her and did not respond.

"Luo Xichen... " Sha Zhixing's heart tightened as she pushed Luo Xichen away.

Luo Xichen's eyes remained closed and he did not move at all.

"Luo Xichen, wake up... " Sha Zhixing suddenly panicked as she placed her hands on Luo Xichen's arms and shook him vigorously, trying to wake him up. However, Luo Xichen did not react at all as if he had fallen asleep.

Sha Zhixing stared at him in a daze as her eyes fixed on his overly Pale face. She reached out her hand and probed his breathing.

There was still no breath.

The temperature of Sha Zhixing's blood dropped after such a discovery. She raised her head and looked at the empty cave entrance. She gauged the height of the cave entrance and turned her gaze slowly to the vines on the walls of the cave.

There were a lot of vines, and they were thick and densely packed. They should be able to help.

It was unlikely that she would ask for help. She had looked around when she first arrived. There was no one else around, only the two of them.

Now, the only thing that could help her and him was these vines.

However, Luo Xichen was unconscious. How could she bring him out?

"Luo Xichen, wake up... " Sha Zhixing shook him a few more times with her arms, her voice sounding nasal.

Her voice was very urgent. It almost sounded empty in the cave, helpless and lost.

The long eyelashes of the man lying on the ground trembled slightly. He opened his eyes and fixed his gaze on her face.

"You... you're awake? " Sha Zhixing looked at him in shock, her expression a little dull.

"You're very concerned about me? " Luo Xichen's thin lips curled into a smile.

Sha Zhixing was speechless

How could he still smile at this time?

He did not look like someone who had just fainted... ...

Sha Zhixing suddenly felt like she had been deceived.

He was just pretending, wasn't he?