Chapter 750, please help me

It was a peaceful and quiet night.

The castle was visited early the next morning.

Wen Lan walked into the House with a butler. Both of them were carrying a lot of things, looking around as they walked.

This was actually her first time here. Luo Xichen had never told her about such a big property before. She was a little surprised and a little emotional when she saw it.

She had been living here with Zhixing for so long. As her mother, she only found out about it when she called him this morning to ask about it.

After entering the house, Wen lan instructed the Butler to take out the items one by one and place them on the dining table. Then, she sat quietly in the living room and waited for the two of them to go downstairs.

She did not know if the two of them had gotten up yet. She was afraid that zhixing would be embarrassed if she went upstairs now.

A few minutes later, Luo Xichen went downstairs first.

Luo Xichen seemed to be in good spirits. As he was walking on the spiral stairs, he saw her and greeted her lightly, "morning, mom. "

"morning. " Wen Lan smiled and her eyes fell on him without a change in expression.

"How is GRANDPA? " Luo Xichen walked down the stairs slowly and came to Wen Lan's side.

"Don't worry about GRANDPA. You know how he is. He is very angry. Once he is angry, nothing will happen, " Wen Lan said helplessly "But you and Zhixing are married. You should find a time to go back and live there. You don't have to stay there for long. GRANDPA will see it every day and digest it. After he sees it clearly, he won't say anything. "

Luo Xichen fell silent after her words.

He had considered what she said. It was indeed necessary to go back and live there for a while.

He did not care. He was actually more concerned about Sha Zhixing's thoughts. After all, he could not figure out what the old man was thinking right now. If he thought of making up excuses and zhixing when he had nothing to do, the young people would be embarrassed.

"Mom, I'll talk to zhixing about this today. " After thinking for a moment, Luo Xichen decided to ask Sha Zhixing.

"Okay. " Wen Lan nodded and said, "have you decided when you want to reschedule the wedding? "

Luo Xichen said, "it should be in the near future. "

He felt that the wedding was more urgent than moving back home.

Sha Zhixing was the one who did not invite anyone, but now that everyone was back and the old man's attitude was unclear, Luo Xichen felt that a wedding that shocked the whole city seemed to be more effective than moving back home.

After everyone knew that she was his, he did not believe that the old man would have the heart to stop him and her!

Wen Lan thought the same thing when she mentioned this. To the two of them, a wedding was more important than anything else.

UPSTAIRS, the sound of slippers could be heard.

Not knowing that there were other people downstairs, Sha Zhixing walked down the spiral stairs in her nightgown. Before she could completely appear in front of the rest of the people in the living room, her lazy voice rang out first "Xichen, you, help me change my clothes! "

Her tone was a little awkward, and her voice was a little low. She seemed to be very embarrassed.

However, the people downstairs could hear her clearly.

The middle-aged Butler was embarrassed and looked away uneasily.

Wen Lan pursed her lips and smiled faintly. They were quite a loving couple, even changing their clothes.

Luo Xichen did not expect her to come down suddenly, nor did he expect her to say such a thing. They were always passive when they were intimate. When did she take the initiative?