Chapter 749 second young master's thoughts

Sha Zhixing felt a little embarrassed when she thought of her kick.

Luo Xichen glanced at her and his lips twitched. He could not help but tease her, "do you need my help in the bathroom? "

"No. " Sha Zhixing was speechless. She pushed him away and went straight to the bathroom.

Luo Xichen looked at her back quietly. The corners of his lips curled up. He opened the medicine box, took out the medicine and began to study it casually.

He actually wanted to know how long it would take for Sha Zhixing to recover. He would not make things difficult for Sha Zhixing tonight. He was afraid that if she took ten days or half a month to recover, he would not be able to do anything for such a long time?

Luo Xichen thought about it and decided that he should take her to the hospital tomorrow.

Sha Zhixing was taking a bath alone. The ointment that Luo Xichen applied on her was very permeable. She almost completely absorbed it after a massage. The bath would not be affected and the pain would be alleviated after the massage.

However, there was still some pain when she moved.

Sha Zhixing came out after a few minutes. She saw that Luo Xichen was still on the SOFA. She walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"What are you looking at? " Sha Zhixing took the medicine box from him and looked at it. She did not expect him to see this. She was a little surprised and thought that he was studying the ointment. She felt a little warm inside.

However, she was only touched for a few seconds when Luo Xichen's next sentence washed her away.

Luo Xichen said, "you're already injured. Is Madam Sha's plan to have a grandchild delayed again? "

Sha Zhixing's face turned red. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes and pushed him hard with her elbow. "SHAMELESS! "

"Alright, get some rest. " Luo xichen smiled. He turned around and kissed her on the lips. Then, he went to the bathroom.

Sha Zhixing looked at his back quietly and smiled. Then, she got up and went to bed.

There were two pigs and rabbits on their bed. One was big and the other was small. They had bought the big one in France. Luo Xichen had forced it on her and he had forced the small one on her. They had bought it a year ago and they were leaning against each other The scene was a little funny.

Sha Zhixing really did not like this. She was even a little disgusted with it. She hugged one of them, pinched its ear, and ravished it, imagining that she would leave it for the children to play with in the future.

She could not find evidence of young master Shao's naivety anywhere else. She had to keep it well!

When Luo Xichen came out, all he saw was her hugging a pig rabbit and ravaging it.

The corners of his lips twitched slightly. He walked towards her step by step.

He took the toy from her hand and put it aside. Luo xichen patted the rabbit's ear lightly, beat it up, and put it back in its original position.

Sha Zhixing watched him quietly and wanted to ask him why he had chosen to buy this. Before she could say anything, Luo Xichen suddenly said something "You have to keep it even if you don't like it. If I'm not by your side one day, at least you'll have something to keep you company. "

"What are you talking about? " Sha Zhixing's heart tightened at his words. She pinched one of the little ones and hit him.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her. The corners of his lips curled up slightly. He carried her and lay on the bed as if nothing had happened. "I'm just saying. "

Sha Zhixing looked up at him quietly and observed his expression, trying to read his eyes. However, Luo Xichen's expression was unusually natural.

Was She thinking too much?