Chapter 780 trouble caused by anxiety

At the Luo family home.

Luo Xichen called Sha Zhixing's cell phone once but did not get a reply. He frowned slightly.

"What's wrong? " Wen Lan asked with concern when she saw that Luo Xichen did not look well.

An Xin put down the booklet in her hand and looked at the time on her watch. She guessed that Sha Zhixing should have arrived by now. She asked in confusion, "when will zhixing arrive? "

Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced at the two of them. He stood up, took his cell phone and walked to the window beside him. He dialed Sha Zhixing's number again.

However, no one picked up.

Luo Xichen's heart suddenly tightened. He thought to himself for a moment, then turned around and ran out of the house.

"Xichen, where are you going? " Wen Lan was a little worried when she saw the look on his face.

Luo Xichen did not know if he heard what she said. He ran to the parking spot, got in the car, and drove off in a white sports car.

Sha Zhixing rarely did not pick up her phone. Even though she was busy driving, she did not pick up after he made a few calls.

She knew that he would be worried about her!

Luo Xichen's mind was in a mess. He drove from the Luo family to the castle. After driving for less than two minutes, he called Sha Zhixing again.

"BEEP beep beep... "

A voice call came from the phone. Luo Xichen thought that no one was picking up and was about to hang up when an unfamiliar male voice suddenly came, "May I ask who you are to this young lady? This young lady is currently in the hospital... "

The words exploded in Luo Xichen's mind.

He looked straight ahead and his dark eyes narrowed slightly.

Something happened... ...

Luo Xichen asked the other party for the hospital's address with a cold face. Luo Xichen turned his car around and drove towards the location provided by the other party.

A few minutes later, a white Lamborghini stopped outside a hospital building in the city.

After entering the building, Luo xichen glanced at the reception desk and walked towards it.

"Second, second young master, you... " Many people in c city knew Luo Xichen's face. They were surprised to see him in the hospital. When they looked at his cold aura, the nurse on duty's tongue quivered and she found it difficult to speak.

"where is she? " Luo Xichen looked at her coldly. His voice was as cold as ice.

"Who? " The young nurse was confused by his question.

"Sha Zhixing! " Luo Xichen said coldly.

The young nurse was stunned by his question again.

Sha Zhixing?

Who is Sha Zhixing?

What a familiar name.

She quickly recalled some of the names that she had had an affair with Luo Xichen, as well as a few patients that had just been sent into the hospital. The young nurse suddenly shivered and pointed at the direction of the emergency room. "The emergency room! "

Luo Xichen was confused by her words, and the frost on his face deepened after she said those words.

The Emergency Room?

How serious was the injury?

Luo Xichen did not have time to think about it. He ran towards the emergency room.

When he arrived, the door of the emergency room was still closed.

Luo Xichen could not see Sha Zhixing and was worried about her injury. The door was not open. Luo Xichen's heart was in a mess. He hit the wall outside the emergency room and had the urge to ram into the door.

However, before he reached the door, the door opened automatically.

A group of doctors pushed a patient out of the room.

Luo Xichen ran over and did not see the person on the bed. He grabbed a doctor and asked, "how is she? "

The doctor was shocked by his reaction and replied embarrassedly, "she has a high fever and fainted. She is fine now. "

"High Fever? " Luo Xichen's face turned green after that and his eyes slowly moved down to the face of the person on the bed