Chapter 781 was in danger

The woman lying on the bed was pale and her head was tilted to the side. Luo Xichen could tell that it was not Sha Zhixing.

Luo xichen stared at the face for a few seconds and suddenly had the urge to kick the bed.

"where is Sha Zhixing? " He asked the doctors coldly.

Sha Zhixing was a well-known name in the design world. However, to the general public, she was not as familiar as Luo Xichen. She was also a low-profile person, which made her less exposed.

A few doctors were confused by his question and suggested that he go to the emergency room next to the corridor.

Luo Xichen was very anxious and did not have much time to go to the registration office to ask questions. He went to the other emergency room that they pointed to with a cold face.

When he arrived, a doctor ran out. He looked very anxious and shouted at the crowd that was walking around the hospital, "is there anyone here with RH negative Ab blood? There are patients in urgent need and the blood bank is in short supply. RH NEGATIVE AB BLOOD! "

Luo Xichen felt as if something had hit him in the head. He stopped in his tracks and turned his head towards the source of the voice.


Luo Xichen had grown up with her and knew about this characteristic of hers.

When Rong CI had been in a car accident, he had suffered a serious injury and was bleeding heavily. He needed blood urgently and everyone around him had gone to get tested. He had also known about Sha Zhixing's blood type at that time.

Rh negative blood was a rare type of panda blood. There were very few people in China with this type of blood type. There were more of them abroad, so blood banks were often in short supply.

"Is there anyone at the scene with RH NEGATIVE AB blood type? " The doctor's voice continued.

Luo Xichen walked over to the man and looked at him intently. His eyes were as cold as a sharp blade. "How is Sha Zhixing? "

"She was bleeding heavily in the car accident. We are continuing to help her with the same type of blood type. Otherwise, she will be in danger of falling ill. However, we can not find this type of blood in the blood bank right now! " The doctor was already very nervous. Now that he saw Luo Xichen's face and was being questioned by him.. Although he did not do anything, he felt like he was being interrogated by someone with a knife. He was terrified.

"What did you say? ''LuooXichenn's eyes turned a little red after he spoke.Hee suddenly grabbed the man's arm and asked, "what did you say?''"

"Time is of the essence. If we can not find the right blood, we will be in danger of falling ill! " The doctor was shocked by his actions, but he still braced himself and repeated what he had just said.

Luo Xichen felt a dull pain in his chest after his words. The position of his heart seemed to be being torn apart by something. His limbs were numb from the pain.

He had blood type AB, but it was positive. It did not match the blood type. As far as he knew, no one in the Sha family or the Luo family had blood type AB.

His mind went blank for a few seconds. He turned his head suddenly and shouted at Luo Xichen, "use the fastest way to publish the news, or find it through other media channels! "

"Yes, yes! " The doctor was shocked by Luo Xichen's reaction. He put on his surgical gown and left in a hurry.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at the still-closed operating theater. He walked to the door and wanted to enter, but he was held down by a group of people.

"Let go! " Luo Xichen's head passed over the shoulders of the group of people and his gaze drifted into the operating theater.

What he saw was a pool of dark red blood. He could not see Sha Zhixing's figure... ...