Chapter 782: powerless

"Sir, this is an operating room. No one else is allowed to enter! "


"This lady is not in good condition. Her life may be in danger at any moment. Please wait outside! "

The doctors'thoughts were also disrupted by his sudden intrusion. They pushed him out one by one, looking a little flustered.

Luo Xichen's footsteps were stiff, and the last words of the few of them echoed in his ears.

His life was in danger... ...

Luo Xichen left the emergency room with his legs in tow. His limbs were stiff and his head was numb. All he could see in his eyes was the shocking redness.

He walked along the corridor like a Zombie. Suddenly, he took out his cell phone and dialed his assistant's number. There were no extra words, only one sentence. "search for a blood type that is compatible with RH NEGATIVE AB blood type. Use All means at your disposal! "

It was very quiet outside the emergency room. It was so quiet that only the echo of his words could be heard.

After the call was over, Luo xichen leaned against the wall outside the emergency room and looked in the direction of the operating room again.

The door of the operating room had been closed ever since he left. The doctor who had gone to contact the blood type did not come back either.

Luo Xichen looked at the time on his watch and punched the wall of the hospital again in frustration.

Sha Zhixing had rarely been sick since she was a child, let alone such a big incident. This was the first and only time!

Luo Xichen's heart ached just thinking about how she looked inside... ...

The lights in the operating room were still on.

There was no way to know what was going on inside.

Seconds and minutes passed. A few minutes later, another doctor came out.

"How's the situation? " Luo Xichen saw the man and walked up to him.

"The blood type of the RH negative B blood type is not here yet. The patient's condition is getting worse and worse! " The doctor said hurriedly. He turned around and wanted to walk away, but Luo Xichen grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back.

Luo Xichen stared at the man with his red eyes and said slowly, "no matter what, you must treat her. Otherwise, the hospital will close tomorrow! "

The man was shocked by his reaction. He stared at Luo Xichen and nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes... "

Although he was agreeing verbally, he was complaining in his heart.

What else could they do if they could not find a matching blood type?

Luo Xichen let go of the man's sleeve and turned to call his assistant again. "Is there any news? "

"Not yet, I'm in a hurry... " the assistant's voice sounded a little nervous.

The line went dead.

The corridor outside the emergency room quieted down again.

Luo Xichen turned his head and looked in the direction of the operating room for the umpteenth time. However, the door did not open after that.

Luo Xichen's mind was empty, as if he had not yet digested the fact.

He was so lively in the morning, why did he suddenly become like this?

Luo Xichen's heart felt like it was being torn apart by the thought of the usually lively person lying inside.

The surgery was still going on. When the doctor came out again, his expression had changed to one of helplessness. "Sir, we have tried our best. We haven't found the blood type yet. I'm afraid... "

Luo Xichen looked at him with bloodshot eyes and suddenly punched the wall next to the man. "Shut up! "