Chapter 783: The Return of the promise

The man was shocked by the look on Luo Xichen's face. His body stiffened and he stared at Luo Xichen in a daze for a long time.

Luo Xichen's expression was ghastly. The temperature in his eyes was so cold that it could freeze a person. Just looking at him made one shudder.

The doctor looked at him in shock. He did not know how to answer.

Luo Xichen looked at him coldly. The veins on his forehead were throbbing. His nerves were on the verge of breaking down.

At the entrance of the corridor, a slender figure was striding towards them. The sound of footsteps was particularly clear in the empty corridor.

The sudden sound stunned both of them. They looked towards the source of the sound.

Shi Qinuo walked towards the operating room step by step. Most of the figures were hidden in the shadows. His aura was cold. Every step he took brought with it a chill that was as cold as ice.

Luo Xichen was surprised to see him at this place. He was stunned for a few seconds, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Rh negative blood was a rare blood type. It was rare in China, but it was a little more common among Westerners. Shi Qinuo was a chinese-french Hybrid!

Luo Xichen did not know how Shi Qinuo knew about this place, but his sudden arrival gave Luo Xichen hope.

"take me to the blood transfusion! " Shi Qinuo looked at him indifferently and turned to the doctor beside him.

"Blood type match? " The doctor was not sure and asked carefully.

Shi qinuo nodded slightly.

It was a simple gesture, but Luo Xichen's eyes were clear. He put his hand on Luo Xichen's shoulder and hammered it gently. He did not say anything, but he had known Luo Xichen for so many years. Shi Qinuo could understand what he was feeling.

"Let's go for a blood transfusion first. " There was no time to explain. Shi Qinuo turned around and left with the doctor.

The surgery was going to take a long time.

It was more than an hour later when Sha Zhixing was pushed out.

The crisis was resolved and she was transferred to a normal ward.

Luo Xichen and Shi Qinuo stood on both sides of the ward, waiting for her. Neither of the two men took a single step away, their eyes fixed on Sha Zhixing's face.

Sha Zhixing had not woken up from the beginning. Her long eyelashes were slightly lowered, and her face was very pale. She felt like a lifeless doll.

Qing Yafeng and Mu Siyan came after that, to investigate the car accident.

"who was the person who caused the accident? " Luo Xichen turned to them and asked coldly.

"The boss of a small company. He was found to have taken too many drugs in his body and was not thinking clearly. That's why he crashed his car. " Qing Yafeng told him what he knew.

"Is he dead? " Luo Xichen asked expressionlessly.

Qing Yafeng,"..."

"He's not injured or disabled. If he's not dead, kill him! " Luo Xichen said coldly. His attention was on Sha Zhixing's face again.

The group sat in the ward for dozens of minutes. It was already noon when Sha Zhixing woke up.

Luo Xichen frowned when he saw the cold face beside him. "Why are you making such a face? I'm not dead yet! "

Luo Xichen did not expect her to say that immediately. His eyes flickered and he said slowly, "shut up! "

After saying that, he ignored the crowd and suddenly leaned over and hugged Sha Zhixing tightly in his arms.

There were too many emotions accumulated in his chest when he was waiting for her. When he saw that she had woken up, his heart was relieved. Luo Xichen could not say anything. He just hugged her tightly and his arms were still very strong He felt as if he was going to bury her in his own blood... ...