Chapter 786 differential treatment

Sha Zhixing was wearing a one-piece dress. The door of the ward was still open, and there were people passing by from time to time. How could she tolerate him opening the door like that.

He didn't even forget to tease her even when she was injured, did he?

Ignoring her sore arm, Sha Zhixing pressed her hand down in panic. "Luo Xichen, you... stop! "

Her voice was a little hurried, and her body was in pain. She looked very uncomfortable. As she said this, she could even hear the sound of gasps.

Luo Xichen came back to his senses after she gasped clearly. He turned his head and looked at Sha Zhixing's face.

Sha Zhixing's face was as Pale as a ghost, and there were a few drops of cold sweat on her forehead. She seemed to be in a bad mood.

Luo Xichen stared at her for a long time before he realized what he had done. He withdrew his hand in embarrassment. When he did this, he also helped her straighten her dress.

Sha Zhixing glared at him. She really wanted to punch him.

The corner of Luo Xichen's lips twitched. His gaze fell on her body. He walked up and down and asked with concern, "where are you hurt? "

"Everywhere! " Sha Zhixing replied without hesitation.

She did not know where she was hurt. She had passed out after the car accident and was distracted by the people in the room when she woke up.

However, the pain was real, especially on her leg. It was so painful that it felt like her bones were broken and there was a lot of gauze wrapped around her leg. It should be the most serious injury.

As for the pain in other places, she guessed that it was just some muscle soreness caused by excessive pain in a certain part of her body.

Luo Xichen stared at her for a long time. There were no other wounds other than her leg. Hearing her words, he suddenly felt a little nervous. He thought that she had internal injuries and stood up to walk out of the house. "I'll call the doctor for you! "

Just as he was about to leave, the hem of his clothes was gently pulled by Sha Zhixing's hand.

"What's wrong? " Luo Xichen turned his head and looked puzzled.

"I'm fine. " Sha Zhixing gestured for him to sit down.

Luo Xichen was a little worried. He stared at her for a while, but Sha Zhixing did not see anything wrong with him other than her pale face.

He sat down next to her and fixed his eyes on her palm-sized face.

Thinking of the accident, he asked gently, "why were you driving so carelessly today? "

Sha Zhixing's driving skills were at the level of a master. It was past the morning rush hour when she arrived at the Luo family home. There should not have been too many cars. How did such a serious accident happen?

Sha Zhixing recalled the situation and frowned. "The car suddenly came out of the corner. There was something wrong with the person. I tried to avoid it, but I was too late. "

Luo Xichen listened to her quietly, his eyes lowered as he pondered.

How did so many cars hit her on the road?

"were there any cars around? " He suddenly asked seriously.

"No. " Sha Zhixing recalled the situation and shook her head.

Luo Xichen,"..."

Shi Qinuo came in with a few packed lunches and went to the two of them. He took a bed and placed it on a small table before he opened Sha Zhixing's food.

There were a lot of people in the ward when he left. He bought a lot of food. Sha Zhixing's food was especially rich. It was full of nourishing food, soup, vegetables, and meat.

Then, he handed a vegetarian food to Luo Xichen. "This is for you. "

Luo Xichen's face was a little distorted by his actions.

This difference in treatment... ...