Chapter 785 rare species, special protection

Luo Xichen's kiss was very gentle and cold. It went down her forehead slowly, down her nose, her eyes, and her face. ...

Sha Zhixing was actually quite embarrassed. Her Pale face had a faint blush because of one of his actions.

Although there was no evil intention in his eyes, they were now in the ward. A nurse or doctor could come at any time. How awkward would it be if they bumped into each other?

She wanted to push him away, but when she saw the look in his eyes, she held back her impulse.

His eyes were deep, with a hint of heartache and guilt.

Sha Zhixing knew that he was worried about her injury, but she did not understand why he felt so guilty.

She did not know that Luo Xichen had been standing outside the door alone for a long time. He was so anxious that he wanted to kill someone, but he could not do anything. He could only wait outside, and he could not even help her.

In fact, if possible, Luo Xichen hoped that he would be the one to help her this time, not Shi Qinuo.

But no matter what, as long as she was fine, nothing else mattered.

"there are so many types of blood in this hospital, " Sha Zhixing suddenly said. "Even I have a rare blood type. "

Her tone was very light, and there was a hint of a joke in it. It was obvious that she had not expected Luo Xichen to use so many media channels to look for rare blood types.

The corner of Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly after she said that. He went along with her words and teased, "yes, protect your own blood better in the future. It's such a rare blood type. How much would a drop of it be wasted? "

Sha Zhixing choked on his words, but she did not refute him.

The biggest disadvantage of rare blood types was that it was very difficult to find a match if there was an urgent need for blood.

Luo Xichen's tone was mocking, but he said it on purpose.

He did not want her to lose another drop of blood... ...

Luo Xichen had mixed feelings when he saw her injured because of him two days ago, and now she was lying there with a pale face. He even blamed himself.

After she had become his woman, it was Luo Xichen's duty to protect her.

However, the few times that she had gotten into trouble, the person who had helped her in the end was almost always Shi Qinuo!

This time, Luo Xichen did not know why it was such a coincidence, but he was very glad.

Thinking of that name, he was silent for a while before he corrected her words. "Zhi Xing, actually, it was Qi Nuo who saved you. "

His words caused a flash of surprise in Sha Zhixing's eyes. She stared at him in a daze, as if she could not digest this fact.

Shi Qinuo's appearance today had already surprised her. Now that she knew that he was the one who had saved her, Sha Zhixing could not help but feel surprised.

How many times had he saved her?

Sha Zhixing's eyes suddenly turned sour at the thought of this.

Luo Xichen did not like to see her in a daze in front of him. He could not help but pinch her waist.

"ouch... it hurts... " Sha Zhixing did not understand what was going on. She looked at him innocently and raised her hand to hit him. However, just as she moved her arm, she suddenly realized that it was numb ...

Not only her arm, but her whole body was numb now. She felt pain everywhere she touched.

Sha Zhixing frowned slightly. She retracted her arm obediently and gave up the impulse.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly and observed her expression. He thought that her waist was hurt too. He lifted the blanket and pretended to lift her skirt to check... ...